Manolo says, ayyyyy! The Manolo’s cable package did not include Lifetime, thus preventing the Manolo from commenting upon the first episode of the new season of Project Runway.
The Manolo is working furiously to rectify this problem. In the meantime, please go to check out the Blogging the Project Runway. It is by far the best site on the internets for Project Runway news and opinion.
Laura K 15 years ago
Dear Manolo, can you watch the shows using these links?
ericaceous 15 years ago
Lifetime is generously providing complete episodes of Project Runway online! It’s possible that this only works in limited locations, but this US non-cable subscriber was able to watch it on their website.
RJ Flamingo 15 years ago
I’m so disappointed! You must watch it on the internet in the meantime, and catch up! I’ll just wait right here….(insert Jeopardy music)….