Manolo the Columnist: Sebbie from Kate Spade

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo,

My boyfriend and I have tickets to attend the Metropolitan Opera in December. We have very good seats, and I want to get dressed up, but I also don’t want to be cold or uncomfortable walking around New York on our way to and from the event. Do you have a suggestion for a pair of shoes that says “dress up” but also “winter”?


Manolo says, how nice to see that there are young peoples who are still taking the interest in the opera! The Manolo had begun to believe that it was only the fogeys of oldness, such as himself, who still cared.

Of the course, one of the minor pleasures of aging is being able to complain about the cultural philistinism of the young peoples.

You know, sort of like, “These truculent whippersnappers racing their jalopies down to the drug-store and getting themselves all het up over that Bing Crosby on the jukebox, thinking Jolson isn’t good enough for them. Why it’s the end of western civilization, I tell you!”

Although, the first opera whippersnappers undoubtedly had their coachmen race their carriages down to the opera house, where they got all het up over Mozart, and thought Gregorian chant wasn’t good enough for them.

Look! Here is the Sebbie from Kate Spade. The elegant black suede pump with exactly the right about of understated ornamentation.

Sebbie from Kate Spade  The Manolo Likes!  Click!