Valentine’s Day Gifts for The Man in Your Life
Manolo says, and now the Dia de San Valentin approaches and you have not yet purchased the gifts which you will shower upon that special man in your life.
But you are confuddled, as not only have you learned, through hard lessons, that the writers at Cosmo and Elle know next to nothing (NOTHING!!!) about how to make the man happy (despite what the salacious headlines say), but also that your man is the sort, who, like Octavian, adopts the facade of modesty, even as the gifts and honors are heaped upon him. And so you know from experience that he will stoically pretend to be unswayed by your acts of tribute, not letting on that he is actually thrilled that you love him, that he is the princeps civitatis of your Heart.
Because you have determined to make this the super fantastic Valentine’s Day, you must now locate the small gifts suitable to the Augustan tastes of your man, which is where the Manolo, your humble Attic slave, can help, by suggesting items that shall please the Emperor.
T Anthony Leather Ballpoint Pen —
Acqua di Parma Aftershave Lotion
Burberry Stainless Steel and Leather Wrist Watch
Jack Spade Grain Leather Billfold
Hermes Pale Blue Cotton Boxer Shorts
Ave Valentinus! Ave Eros!
LaHolandaisa 15 years ago
Ohhh now that is a good looking watch!
Icy @ Individual Chic 15 years ago
Oh the Manolo, these are indeed fabulous, but are any of them under that loving limit of fifty dollars (or even twenty)?
Halcyon 15 years ago
If the Manolo wishes to use the Latin (if the last line of the post is in fact Italian or Spanish, I apologize), he ought to say “Ave Valentine.” It will then be in the correct case. It looks much interesting, but the pronunciation is still 4 syllables.
Manolo the Shoeblogger 15 years ago
Ayyyy! The Manolo has the best educated and most fashionable fans in the whole blogosphere!
La BellaDonna 15 years ago
Aaayy! As La BellaDonna remembers, what would please the Octavian most would be a dead Ptolemy – better yet, two!