Taryn Rose on the Sale

Manolo says, February is usually one of the best months for the shoe sales, as it is the end of one season, and the beginning of the other. And now, here is the perfect opportunity for the Manolo’s internet friends who love the muy comfortable shoes of the Taryn Rose to purchase them at the discount. Here are four of the Manolo’s favorite current bargains. Above is the Harmony, the shoe the Manolo recommended exactly one year ago in his newspaper column. They remain the handsome and fun shoe, but now they are selling at the unbelievably ridiculous price of…


Piscatorial Millinery

Manolo says, over at the Ayyyy! blog our friend Raincoaster has put together what the Manolo considers to be the greatest gallery of famous people wearing fishing hats ever!. If you have ever wondered what would Ava Gardner would wear with her hip waders, or what the late Queen Mum wore on vacation, this is the post for you.


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Listening to… It is almost time to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Chopin!