Miu Miu Spectator Peep-Toe Mary Janes For the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk working like the galley slave pulling at the oar while the boss-man “manages”, using his “motivational” cat-o-nine-tails. Sigh. Well at least there is the internet where your mind can run free, frolicking in the flowery fields of celebrity news! Look! Rene Zelleweger is dating Anderson Cooper! And you think you have problems? Girlfriend has never been the same since the whole debacle with Kenny Chesney, who now admits he put his life into his closet, er box, whatever. And then you cruise to the next site, and the…


Gwen Stefani’s Sex Kitten Gone Wrong Look

N.B. Guest post by Steven Cojocaru. Read more at Cojo’s blog CojoStyle. I get so completely crushed when one of my fashion faves fails, I can barely muster up the strength to flatiron my gorgeous hair (but somehow I do). So you can imagine the meltdown I’m having seeing my glorious Gwen Stefani in such a catastrophic outfit. I’m not feeling the cheesy bra and see-through top mix, or the rest of the labored sex kitten head-to-toe black get-up. Stefani looks to me like a pallbearer at a Playmate of the Year’s funeral. PS. Gwen’s completely plain ‘let’s go bowling’…


Special Guest Blogger: Cojo!!

Manolo says, the Manolo is nearly hyperventilating with excitement to announce that this week’s special guest blogger will be the sassy, super fantastic, superstar of the red carpet interviews, Steven Cojocaru, better known as Cojo! The Manolo has long been the fan of the Cojo, not just because he is hilariously funny and warm, but also because he is perhaps one of the most perceptive fashion advisers and critics of the past decade, and now, to add to his lengthy list of achievements, he is blogging up some of the sharpest and wittiest celebrity commentary on the intertubes. And so…