The Maxi-Dress Moment
Manolo says, unless you are perhaps living in the cave in the Hindu Kush, you will be aware that one of the better trends of this season is the maxi-dress.
Here is the single shoulder, beautifully draped, Theo Maxi-Dress from Joie that will have you looking like the Pallas Athena!
And, for the shoes, pay no attention to what the model is wearing, you, of the course, will require sandals of great simplicity and unusual beauty.
Sandals such as the Blaze from Elizabeth and James, which have imbibed the spirit of classical antiquity, and yet suggest not the placid classicism of Attica, but the energetic rusticity of Macedonia. And thus not peaceable Pallas Athena, but Athena Nike, resting confidently at the head of Phillip’s horsemen.
Bronwyn 15 years ago
Oh dear. Being a lady of mature years who needs to wear the bra with the shoulder straps, but who none the less still sports the great pair of legs, I can’t think of anything less flattering.
However, I do agree with you about the shoes – for the younger lady with perky breasts (and perhaps a bit of a problem in the leg area) who can get away with wearing that dress.
raincoaster 15 years ago
Three cheers for degrees in the Classics.
April 15 years ago
I LOVE these sandals!
Fausta 15 years ago
Love the sandals, but won’t wear the maxi lengths any time soon since the legs are the best feature of La Fausta, dear Manolo.
anon 15 years ago
This post made jump up and say xaire!
Jenifersf 15 years ago
Maxi dresses make me sad. So many of them are just shapeless sacks, the sweat suit of dresses. The dress that says, “I give up”.