Baby Got Back
Manolo says, some things work on almost anyone. Some things only work on the skinny models. Some things work on no one.
0Manolo says, some things work on almost anyone. Some things only work on the skinny models. Some things work on no one.
Rubiatonta 15 years ago
Feh! Feh! Ptooie!!
15 years ago
How odd that the are sold at a site named Ssense, when they make no sense.
Karen 15 years ago
So… old man crotch is in this year.
Leigh 15 years ago
please God, do not let this catch on with the masses!
Manolo the Shoeblogger 15 years ago
@Karen Old man crotch!!! Ha! How the Manolo wishes he had said that.
g-dog 15 years ago
Diaper butt! This makes the model look 110 years old below the waist. This was the ‘best’ picture for the product? Who picked this for an ad?
deja pseu 15 years ago
Oy. This is shooting fish in a barrel, but my GAWD those are horrendous.
Jennie 15 years ago
She is bow legged from the scurvy and wearing pants she took off a corpse… Maybe she used that button adaptor they show on late night TV… I’m lost and my mind is gone… I just saw a commercial with crocs attacking a woman’s feets. Shutttttter!!!!!
Jen F 15 years ago
That’s weird because I have no bootie and I get jeans that make it look like I have one. What are these jeans for? So sad!
Phyllis 15 years ago
The really unforgivable thing is the badly sewn zipper that cants a 1/2 inch to the left and the crooked yoke seam at center back.
Lolo 15 years ago
the crazy meth lady who hangs out at the gas station sometimes sports this look.
Jezebella 15 years ago
Phyllis, they’re “asymmetrical” – it’s *on purpose*. Criminy.
Sarah 15 years ago
Sweet Jesus, won’t someone change that child’s diaper?
retna 15 years ago
I wouldn’t wear those even if they paid me (handsomely). Should be used to illustrate the word ‘fugly’.
WendyB 15 years ago
Simply terrifying. In a confusing way.
raincoaster 15 years ago
Baby got pwned if she paid for those things.
Tebonin 15 years ago
Err….I cant understand this fashion..maybe I am out??
Ruth 15 years ago
Is it just me or does she look like she might be actually crouching down and pooping in her very ugly jeans?
theDiva 15 years ago
I don’t understand. In the immortal words of Gene Hackman in The Bird Cage, I feel like I’m insane.
theDiva 15 years ago
p.s. LOVE the tooltip, dear Manolo.
linda S 15 years ago
A very, very wise professor in fashion design school once told me, “Just because you CAN design and make something doesn’t mean you SHOULD.” “Asymmetric droopy crotch jeans” reminds me of these very wise words.
Livia 15 years ago
And you have to really want to look like this to pay $248 for them too. But they don’t come in my size. Even the “designer” doesn’t want me to wear these jeans. Not that I was tempted. This is so wrong it’s kind of shocking.
Fausta 15 years ago
Beth 15 years ago
my eyes! my eyes! aaaaagh!
Sarah 15 years ago
It would appear they have no rear-end. What did they do? Cut it off??
Phyllis 15 years ago
Yeah I got that – its still badly sewn and a stupid design *detail*
Beth 15 years ago
I like how the product page describes the copper rivets as ‘distressed.’ I have no doubt they are. As in “OMG, what am I doing in this nightmare? I just wanted to grow up and decorate a nice pair of Levis!”
raincoaster 15 years ago
I think Beth wins.
Bronwyn 15 years ago
Looks like Auschwitz. Why would anyone FAKE a 10 inch gap between the thighs.
Karen 15 years ago
Something went wrong with our patterning in the sewing dept, so we now have these fugly things to try and flog to the unsuspecting…any takers??? 13 years ago
You’re unquestionably correct on this writing!!