Whose Shoes Wednesday
Manolo asks, whose shoes?
Manolo says, unless you are perhaps living in the cave in the Hindu Kush, you will be aware that one of the better trends of this season is the maxi-dress. Here is the single shoulder, beautifully draped, Theo Maxi-Dress from Joie that will have you looking like the Pallas Athena! And, for the shoes, pay no attention to what the model is wearing, you, of the course, will require sandals of great simplicity and unusual beauty. Sandals such as the Blaze from Elizabeth and James, which have imbibed the spirit of classical antiquity, and yet suggest not the placid classicism…
Manolo says, blogospheric controversy makes the Manolo sad. Emilio Pucci makes the Manolo happy! Beautiful Emilio Pucci sandals selling for nearly 50% off of the usual price makes the Manolo ecstatic!
Manolo says, people who do not give credit were credit is due. The Manolo has just noticed the following post at Jezebel: How to Accept a Compliment. Kate Harding points out a skill that often escapes even the most accomplished women: accepting compliments without self-deprecation. So how to acknowledge your awesomeness without being an ass? Naturally, the Manolo’s interest was piqued by this post and the link to Kate Harding’s site, for the Manolo knows that his own Miss Plumcake covered this very topic early last week, with her post, Five Great Lessons from Finishing School: Pt 2 Merci Mercy…
Manolo says, Miss Plumcake taking ABC television to task for refusing to run the sexy, plus-sized Lane Bryant advertisement.
Manolo says, one of these things is not like the others. P.S. These photos were taken on consecutive days last week.
Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse… It’s like a Victorian museum come to life, with Rococo Elements, Alice in Wonderland and other fairytales thrown together with some Gypsy spells and a sprinkling of fairy dust, before being breathed into life as a curio shoppe set in the heart of a forest. And you thought New Coke was the worst marketing mistake ever made by the Coca-Cola company. How to wear animal prints. Espadrille Wedges!
Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk working away on that giant, big, crucial, important project, the completion of which will allow you to immediately begin work on the next giant, big, crucial important project. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Now there is the phrase of pure genius. Indeed, whoever invented it changed the very course of haircare history. And then, while you are thinking this important thought, the ancient memory leaps unbidden into your brain, the ancient memory involving the following bit of BASIC code: 10 LATHER 20 RINSE 30 GOTO 10 Which…
Manolo says, the Manolo has just joined the Lin Yu Chun Fan Club, as part of his ongoing campaign to get the producers of Glee to cast Lin Yu Chun as the Foreign Exchange Student.
Manolo says, the Manolo has started the Facebook group dedicated to the proposition that the producers of Glee should cast Taiwanese singing sensation Lin Yu Chun as the Foreign Exchange Student. Please be so kind as to consider joining this group, and suggesting to your friends that they should also join. Together we can change the course of the musical television history!
Manolo says, what can the Manolo possibly say that would do full justice to the utter awesomeness of this? All the Manolo can do now is renew his call to the producers of Glee to cast Lin Yu Chun as the recurring Foreign Exchange Student character. Here is more evidence to support the Manolo’s belief…