Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?


What the Manolo is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Watching… Listening to… Reading… Query: Does it make the Manolo the old hippie if so thoroughly enjoys bot the Grateful Dead and The Band?


Brian Atwood Lana Patent Peep-Toe Pump For the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, although frankly, as is usually the case, you would prefer to be somewhere else, maybe on the beach with the piña colada, or the dark side of the moon with only your clone for company, anywhere away from the incessant petty demands of the commercial workplace. Everyone knows that summers are the worst time to have to go to the work. From childhood, you have been conditioned to take the three months from June to August off, spending those days in simple, wholesome pleasures: riding your bike to…


Athiests Don’t Have No Songs

Manolo says, it is funny because it is true! P.S. The tip of the hat to Vanderleun


The Web Snob

Manolo says, here are the few entertaining links from the Manolo’s Web Snob fashion friends. Stiletto Jungle test drives the much anticipated Living Proof Full Thickening Cream. Allie is Wired takes a first look at Madonna’s ‘Material Girl’ fashion collection. Bag Bliss put together a “neutral rainbow” of top purse picks for summer. Bag Snob advises to run to the store right now to buy this bag! Beauty Snob has the answer for that time of the month when you need to get back the bounce back in your step! Coquette loves the fresh, feminine take on menswear with cut-out…


Manolo the Columnist: Julia by Think!

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, Starting next week, my sister, her husband, and two grade-school sons are coming from California for a five-day, Fourth of July visit. They’re going to be doing all of the sights, from the White House to the Smithsonian, and back again. I’ve decided to take two days off work and go with them on a couple of these jaunts, so there will be lots of walking in the unrelenting District of Columbia heat. Can you suggest some very comfortable sandals that don’t look…


The Cure for the Suburban Boredom

Manolo says, now that summer has officially arrived, our friend Glinda has been thinking about what to do with the crunchers of the crumb. It’s many a mom’s dirty little secret when you’ve got a kid who is moping around the house, claiming they have played with all of their toys and read all of their books. And even if they haven’t really, they feel as if they have, and so their perception becomes your rather unpleasant reality. Most days you can threaten them with chores or whatnot, but even that gets old after a while. Being a mean mom…


Interview With the Curator

Manolo says, the Manolo’s friends at the Collector’s Weekly (which earlier this year published the remarkable interview with the shoe collector John Walford) have returned with the excellent interview with Elizabeth Semmelhack, one of the curators at the magnificent Bata Shoe Museum and author of the book Heights of Fashion: A History of the Elevated Shoe. There is much in this interview to both ponder and enjoy, but below are two intriguing excerpts. Collectors Weekly: How did a pair of Manolos or Louboutins become star accessories? Semmelhack: I don’t think that it was the designers themselves who did it as…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, it is the Juliette Lewis. Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend Katkova, who was the first to correctly identify this week’s always annoying celebrity of note.


The Lulu from Botkier

Manolo says, here is the Lulu from Botkier, the flat sandal that embodies two of the lesser trends of the season, both of which the Manolo approves: the easy entry zipper in the back, to help us deal with the recent spate of complex, torus-and-klein-bottle shoes, and the airy mesh panel, which is perhaps the first reasonable step away from the complex, torus-and-klein-bottle shoes.


Manolo’s Wednesday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse… I think objects become more touching as we grow older. Often what goes out of fashion has a deeper meaning because it has a personal attachment. The ugly can seem beautiful. Oh, the unbearable cuteness of being! As if Vivienne Westwood and Melissa Plastic Dreams’ shoe mashup wasn’t squee-worthy enough, now they’ve done gone and had babies. It’s not easy being a woman nowadays.


Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?