Manolo says, it is Monday, and you are back piloting your desk into the familiar waters of corporate drudgery. But, such is the fate to which you have consigned yourself, certain in the knowledge that you are helping your family, even as you climb the ladder of career satisfaction.
Thankfully, the very computer that has enslaved you to it’s whims and emails, also delivers to you moderately humorous amusements to relieve the pressure, amusements such as the humble shoe blog of the Manolo where you will be able to ponder beautiful conundrums such as these shoes…
The Quaker Elaphe Snake Sandals from Jimmy Choo.
Quaker? What Quaker?
All of the Friends you know, like that prematurely gray-headed girl down at the health food store, would never wear these shoes, not in the million years. Indeed, these good people, who are ostentatiously, aggressively, humble in dress and manner, have the ability to make you feel guilty because you are not bicycling furiously to weekly social justice meetings where they will serve vegan ginger snaps and kambucha, and show slides about their community recycling efforts in Ecuador.
No, no, these shoes are only suitable for the more enthusiastic religious tradition, such as Semi-Reformed Long Island Russian Judaism, or Nouveau Riche Louisiana Pentecostalism, maybe Americanized Southern California Hinduism, or Nia Vardalos Greek Orthadoxism, the celebratory faith of the people who like to get dressed up and carry on expressively before God, like David in the linen ephod.
And then there is the whole problem of the Elaphe Snake. Who has heard of the elpahe snake? But the quick Googling reveals…
Well, at least that makes sense. Who wants to wear the black rat snake sandals?