Manolo asked, whose shoes?

Manolo answers, it is the Claire Danes!
Congratulations to the Manolo’s smarty-smart internet friend, the Heather, who is the now official Whose Shoes Savant, for being the first, yet again, to correctly identify this week’s personage of note.
caia 15 years ago
The savant or the user of the image-matching software.
raincoaster 15 years ago
I have that bracelet! I wore it today, in fact!
elizabethince 15 years ago
Beautiful photos! Anyone know where I may find a skirt like the one the girl is wearing in the last pic of the July 1 Uk street style?
Lyn 15 years ago
i like the bracelet but i think it jumps out too much with that outfit. some bangles or a persona charm bracelet ( would have been better. i love the shoes and dress though – Lyn
Samantha 15 years ago
i love the ankle straps and the color of that bracelet. jealous @ u raincoaster! really like too Lyn.