Manolo the Columnist: Dingo from Aster Kids

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo,

After what seemed like an interminable summer, my two daughters, ages 5 and 7 have gone back to school. Can you recommend some cute shoes for them?


Manolo says, this is the question that should perhaps be asked of some other feetwear expert, for the Manolo holds the most outdated notions of what the childrens should be wearing.

For the example, the Manolo is still very “pro” Little Lord Fauntleroy for the small boys, although from what the Manolo’s friends tell him, such clothing would be the quickest way to introduce your little man to something called the “atomic wedgie,” which sounds most unpleasant.

As for the girls, everywhere the Manolo looks, the little girls are being dressed up like the miniature hussies, in the cut-off mini-Hooters t-shirts and the Duke of Daisy shorty-shorts.

Sadly, from what the Manolo can see, the only place one can purchase the respectable and cute clothing for the childrens is from expensive specialty retailers, with fanciful names like “Bu and the Duck”, “Papo d’Anjo” and and “Your Superiorly Special Child Outshines All Others In His Custom-Made, All Organic Cotton, Nostalgia-Inspired Trousers.”

Of the course, if your goal is to shod your child in the well-made classic that will never go out of style, than the Manolo must recommend the Dingo from Aster Kids in the red leather.

Dingo by Aster Kids