Manolo the Columnist: Avea from Circa by Joan & David

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo,

Has The Manolo forgotten (or is he ignoring) the fact that the world as we know it today is in a recession-depression? Most (nearly all) of the shoes The Manolo recommends to ladies in dire need of shoe advice are exorbitantly priced. I make nearly six figures and I, today, would not buy $300+ shoes just because it’s not smart. I’m not even sure I’d buy them if the economy was flush with buying power like it was, say, back in 2005 or 6. Perhaps The Manolo should consider shoes that are still stylish yet moderately priced and very well made.


Manolo says, ayyyy! It is true, the Manolo is the dreamer who loves to consider the most beautiful shoes, regardless of the outrageous prices the designers would charge for them.

However, even as the Manolo dreams, he is not unsympathetic to the impoverished cries of his many friends. Indeed, he understands exactly what it is like to have to tighten one’s belt so tight that the buckle rubs up against the backbone, to be so poor that one must fashion one’s own super fantastic shoes out of the cardboard cartons from the Chinese takeout place in whose dumpster you dined the previous evening.

Of the course, it is best to look for the quality shoes on the sale, oftentimes, however, necessity demands stylish shoes when the pocketbook is at its thinnest. In such cases the Manolo would recommend something like the Avea by Circa from Joan and David, the reasonably priced shoe that stands out from the crowd.

Avea by Circa from Joan and David