Thigh-High Boots for the Poor Girl
Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s internet friends has asked him the question.
Dear Manolo,
After resisting the trend for nearly a year, I feel I can no longer wait. I need, need, need a pair of thigh-high boots. The problem is, I’m a poor working girl, and my budget is limited. Can you please help?
It is true the thigh-high boots have been everywhere the Manolo has looked this past year, including on the Papa Hemingway’s great-granddaughter Dree (in the very not safe for the work, photo shoot in Purple). So, yes, the pirate strumpet look is au courant.
As usual, the Manolo would recommend saving your monies until you can afford the truly super fantastic over-the-knee boots. But given the cost of such boots, and how long the trend has been going, there is the strong risk of purchasing the boots just as they go out of style.
And, besides, the Manolo sympathizes with the poor girls, indeed, he knows what it is like to be so poor that you must fashion your own super fantastic pirate boots out of long pieces of tar paper and galvanized roofing tacks left in the dumpster behind the Piggly Wiggly when the roofers had finished.
So, allow the Manolo recommend to you these boots…
The Donnie Over-the-Knee Boot from Dolce Vita, which are selling for around $260 of the American dollars, more than $60 off of the usual price.
Trust the Manolo, unless you can find the good bargain on the quality boots, you should not be buying the thigh-high boots that cost less than this.
Such cheap boots are most often made of synthetic materials by infant labor in the foreign gulag, all things which will bring down upon you bad karma in the form of difficult to eradicate toenail fungus and potential reincarnation as Russell Brand.
Thus, cheap boots are no bargain.
Francesca 14 years ago
i completely agree with you. Unless you buy boots in off season and get a crazy deal, boots are an investment. love this pick!! they are gorgeous
F <– Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
Dana 14 years ago
Dear Manolo, I’m 41, yet have been feeling the pull of this trend. May une femme d’un certain age wear the over the knee boots? I’m a flats wearer myself, and so love your pick here. I’m also dying over the Tsubo Hepat. Maybe during the post holiday sales! Would love your thoughts. Best wishes always,
jamie 14 years ago
Ha ha. I completely agree. NEVER buy ‘cheap’ shoes. Instead of buying two inexpensive shoes, or even three or four, save your money and buy ONE good pair of shoes or boots. I have had my leather boots for over 5 years now, and well-maintained, they could last another 5, 10 years or longer. Plastic or vinyl shoes generally cannot be polished or repaired if they get scuffed, and do not last as long as leather shoes. Besides this, they also tend to make the feet sweatier and colder. It is also true that plastics, unlike leather, cannot breathe, and harbor bacteria. To the girl who says, “But I can’t afford leather shoes!” I say, “But you can’t afford NOT to.”