Dolce & Gabbana Calf-Hair Leopard Knee Boots for the Pumpkin Patch

Manolo says, finally, after much wishing your part, that broad-shouldered man with the cornflower-blue eyes and the curly hair has asked you to accompany him on the outing to the rural pumpkin patch with this three nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie (or so you imagine them).

But, although you have the high-end blue jeans, the rustic-fabulous sweater, and your trusty Barbour coat all picked out and ready to go, you realize that this combination, while perfectly appropriate, is perhaps too muted. You must complete the outfit with feetwear that are both practical and capable of expressing your inner diva.

The thigh-high boots you have been coveting, while stunning, are perhaps too pirate strumpety for this solemn occasion, in which your good humor and facility at child management are sure to be evaluated. And, yet the pull of the dramatic statement inexorably pulls you towards something….


Something…..animalistic and atumnal, something appropriate and wild…

Dolce & Gabbana Calf-Hair Leopard Knee Boots

Something, such as these Dolce & Gabbana Calf-Hair Leopard Knee Boots