Manolo’s Super Fantastic Gifts Under $60!

Manolo says, please allow the Manolo to recommend the few reasonably priced gifts for your holiday shopping list.

Bonjour Hot Chocolate Maker

This charming little hot chocolate pot has become one of the favorite things the Manolo has himself received as the gift in the past year. Sometimes, when it is chilly and the Manolo is feeling down, he asks one of his assistants, Boris or Jim-Jim, to fix him the pot of cocoa. How the spirits of the Manolo rise when the pot and cups make their appearance!

L'Occitan Shea Butter Hand Cream Gift Set

Costly unguents from France, to sooth the battered hands and becalloused feets of your loved one…at the reasonable price!

A Continuous Lean Knick Knacks

Reasonably-priced, traditionally-made knickknackery from the Continuous Lean, which is not only the great style blog, but also the site of the very good shop of quality Americana style.

Krochet Kids Thomas Hat

For the teeny peoples, the Manolo suggests the adorable Thomas Hat from Krochet Kids. They are made in Uganda by poor ladies who need our help.

Lodis Liquid Smartphone Case

For the high tech party girl, the Manolo recommends the Lodis Liquid Smartphone Case, the perfect thing to leave in the cab after the wack party at Studio v54.2!