Shoes for the Non-Retro Girl Wearing the Retro Dress

Manolo says, one of the Manolo internet friends has asked the Manolo the question.

Dear Manolo,

I have been in a bit of a style rut as of late. My style is not unfashionable, but it is very…safe. Good-fitting jeans. Nice sweaters. Simple dresses in the summer, like a wrap dress or a ruched-waist sheath — nothing objectionable, but I have really not been setting the world on fire. So, I have decided to branch out a bit by dipping my toe into retro waters.

Lisa Beverly Blue Dress from Heartbreaker Fashion

Lisa Beverly Blue Dress from Heartbreaker Fashion

Visiting a friend’s shop over the weekend, I tried on this dress, from Heartbreaker Fashion, just for kicks ‘n’ giggles. Well, when I came out of the dressing room, my husband (who normally pays very little attention to my sartorial choices), sat up straight, smiled and said, “Okay, you’re getting that dress. You’re getting that dress, right? I think you should get that dress.”

Well, being no dummy, I bought the dress.

Only now, I have no idea what do do with it. I’ve never worn anything like this before. I know that the dress is on the mild side of retro, but I don’t want to tip it over too far into “costume”. My friend who owns the shop would wear it with a considerable amount of irony and all of her tattoos on display. Not being decoratively inked, I want to add SOME edge to the dress so that I don’t look like a Donna Reed wannabe. So, what shoes do you think would work with this retro dress while still keeping my overall look in the here and now? (Please note that the blue is about 2 shades darker than it appears in the photo.)



The Manolo loves the spunky retro girls with their poodle skirts and sweaters, Rosie The Riveter attitudes and Hellish Angel Biker tattoos! Well, maybe not the tattoos so much, but otherwise, it makes the Manolo happy to see these young women with their Betty Page bangs, sitting with their young men, both dressed like the supernumeraries from the community theater production of Grease.

Such admirable willingness to buck the current world of blah!

Of the course, not everyone is cut out for the life of the 1950’s conformist non-conformity. Some peoples have jobs that do not involve motorcycle repair, freelance web-design, or car-hopping. Some people must work in the office cubicle farms where the savage rule of the corporate jungle applies, and superficial non-conformity is ruthlessly suppressed.

And so, if one wishes to adopt the article of retro clothing one must sometimes take pains to make it not too costumey.

Thus the Manolo would recommend…

Dolce & Gabanna Peep-Toe Pump

This D & G peep-toe pump as being simple, feminine, and interesting, but not overwhelmingly so.

If, however, the Manolo’s friend is intent on being more edgy…

Betsey Johnson Iris D Orsay Pump

This is the Betsey Johnson Iris, the D’Orsay pump with the flowery decoration that lifts the shoe beyond the Donna Reedish ordinary.