Manolosphere: The Tumblr of the Manolo
Manolo says, the Manolo has started the new outlet for the short things that catch the attention of the Manolo: Manolosphere: The Tumblr.
P.S. The Manolo has finally updated this post with the correct linkage to the Manolo’s new tumblr.
Fritinancy 14 years ago
That link, it does not go to a Tumblr.
Manolo the Shoeblogger 14 years ago
Gaaaah! The Manolo linked to the article he was reading about the abstract art!
The Nancy is the first to mention this, many hours after the posting of the piece. This fact says something not good about the captivating powers of the Manolo’s entertainments.
Nancy (not Fritinancy) 14 years ago
I just clicked on the fabulous Zanotti shoes, but misread the clickable text in the lower LH corner. I thought it said “In shock” — but I see now it says “In stock”.