Great Moments in Presidential History

President Barack Obama wearing flip-flops

'Put not off your Cloths in the presence of Others, nor go out your Chamber half Dressed.' ~ George Washington

Manolo says, ayyyy! The President Dude is showing us his toes!

Historians agreed it was the first time they could remember seeing the leader of the free world snapped in a public setting, wearing nothing more than a flimsy strip of rubber on his feet.


Capping off his Hawaiian vacation, President Obama earlier this week sports an uber-casual look finished with a pair of flipflops, favored by his core demographic: college kids.

“I can’t say I’ve seen a president’s toes before. This could be a very usual thing,” said presidential historian Jane Hampton Cook, author of an upcoming children’s book “What Does the President Look Like?”

“But I don’t think this is a big deal. Your footwear belongs to the occasion. If you’re on the beach buying your daughter snow cones, I don’t think you can beat him up for this. Now if he’s wearing flip-flops to the State of the Union, that’d be different.”

Presidential historian Doug Wead concurred.

“In public, no. I haven’t seen the president’s toes,” he deadpanned.

And while most historians couldn’t think of an example of presidential appendages being on such display, most agreed it wasn’t necessarily the worst thing in the world.

Unless you one of those old-fashioned, fuddy-duddy persons who seeks to uphold the standards of dress and decorum.

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