What the Manolo is Wearing: Timberland Earthkeepers Boots

Manolo says, two years ago, when the Manolo was living in Argentina, he purchased the pair of these boots, the Timberland Earthkeepers 6″ in preparation for tramping about the wilds of Patagonia. He admits to having been somewhat dubious about them at the time… “Yes,” the Manolo said to himself, while examining them in the Timberland store in the Patio Bullrich, “they look very good, but they are not terribly expensive. Will they last?” And now, the Manolo is happy to report that they have given good service over many, many miles, and have become one of the preferred boots…


Fresh Horror: The Jefferson Slip-On from Native Shoes

Plus Equals Manolo says, because as everyone knows, if you mix the ounce of sewage with the bottle of fine wine, you have the most tastiest cocktail ever! P.S. The tip of the hat to Manolo’s internet friend the Nancy.


Sloth Mother vs. Tiger Mother

Manolo says, our friend Glinda addresses the controversial parenting article written by the Chinese-American crazy lady. But what strikes me about the article is the strident nature of Ms. Chua’s superiority. And in a sense, I suppose she is correct in saying her parenting style has produced results. Her daughter has apparently played piano at Carnegie Hall, which is a wonderful accomplishment. My son, on the other hand, has played the tambourine (badly) for an audience comprised solely of his baby sister. So I suppose she is at least one up on me there.


Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?