
The Sting and His Missus, Tongue Wrestling
Manolo says, part eleventy-hundred in the on-going series, the Death of Civilization…
“When we see each other, it’s romance. I don’t think pedestrian sex is very interesting,” Sting says in the February issue of Harper’s Bazaar. “There’s a playfulness we have. I like the theater of sex. I like to look good. I like her to dress up. I like to dress her up.”
Don’t peg Sting as the romantic type, either: “We like tawdry,” he said.
Mission accomplished!

The Sting and Trudie pose for the cover of the most depressing romance novel ever.
What makes this collection of the photos even better? They were taken by Terry Richardson!
La Larson 14 years ago
Ick! Get a room already.
angelhair 14 years ago
Didn’t Sting’s last pronouncements on hot sex that lasts for days turn out to be a crock? This is just so silly.
I will say that for a couple pushing 60 they both look amazing. Too bad they haven’t gained some class along the way.
How does Terry Richardson still get work?
Manolo the Shoeblogger 14 years ago
How does Terry Richardson still get work?
You have asked the same question as the Manolo.
He should be toxic to any company who is worried about the potential legal liability, and his work is not especially good. (Yes, it is trendy, which is the different thing entirely.)
Sarah F 14 years ago
Ick. Where is the brain bleach when you need it?
deja pseu 14 years ago
It’s always been my impression that people who have to talk a lot about the great sex they’re having really aren’t.
theDiva 14 years ago
Nothing like a little decorum, eh? I’m sure their kids are just thrilled.
ChaChaheels 14 years ago
I’m sure they’ve been humiliating their kids for decades now.
(But if they’re like my parents, they’d insist that that was part of the fun).
Anyway, what deja pseu said. If they’re always talking and talking about it, it’s because there’s no way in the world it’s true.
Which still makes that second photo suitable for the world’s most depressing romance novel.
BBC 14 years ago
We’re so lucky. Looks like 60 is the new 18.
starralex76 14 years ago
Oh, damned. I though this entry is about THAT Sting, who is an singer (also known as Gordon Summer). Sad :(
Chicklet 14 years ago
Yes, I miss decorum, but I do find it refreshing that the Stinger has not ditched his wife for a 22-year-old strumpet. I am looking at you, Hollywood.
Fendi 14 years ago
Very good looking couple. Expecially man. He is so brutal and sexy…..I’d like to meet with him ;)
SuperK 14 years ago
Chicklet, the strumpet IS Trudy, whom Sting left his first wife, Frances Tomelty for.