The Tyrant Teeters
Manolo says, while few things would make the Manolo happier than to see the tyrant Qaddafi run out of Libya in ignominy, it is nonetheless somewhat disappointing to see him reduced to such dire sartorial straits.
It was only the few years ago that the Manolo was pointing out that Colonel Nutbar was the only despot who fully understood the value of costuming…
Naturally there is the exception that proves the rule, the one dictator who knows how to rock the clothing. The man who in his prime was the movie-star handsome tyrant with the mythic fashion sense.The Manolo is speaking, of the course, about the Mu’amar al-Qaddafi, who has eschewed the cheap gangster look, preferring in the stead to wear the flowing natural-fibers and earth-toned robes favored by both the Bedouins of the Sahara and the Jedi Knights of Tatooine.
And when he was not sporting the Bedouin robes, the Qaddafi he wears the kinte-cloth dashikis! And he had the personal bodyguard comprised entirely of the super hotty she-devils!
This […] is how the real tyrants do it, with flair and drama and color, and Amazons in the tight-fitting camouflage cat-suits!
Qaddafi, he’s not just the despot, he is the Arab Superfly, White Shaft in Africa!
Let us hope that the people of Libya will soon be free from this clothing-aware lunatic.
Patricia 14 years ago
That wide shoulder look is so over, and so, one hopes, is Colonel Nutbar. He is now ripe for the simplicity of the Garb of Incarceration, yes?
raincoaster 14 years ago
And to think, fascists always used to have the best uniforms.
I agree, time to bring on the horizontal stripey PJs or the orange jumpsuit.
Anodised 14 years ago
Hmm, I can’t help but like that blue camouflage suit though :-)
Cris 14 years ago
(With apologies to Peter and Gordon)
He’s very mean
Dressed like a queen,
Floats on oil
His poeple’s toil
Yadda da da da da
His long robe belled
Bargain basement Lagerfeld
The coif never seemed quite jell-el-el-elled
It’s Colonel Quaddaffi now!
(Rinse and Repeat)
Manolo the Shoeblogger 14 years ago
You have made the Manolo laugh!
Mike Walsh 14 years ago
To be sure, it’s time for the Colonel to go. Still, I hope there’s another James Bond-class villain who’s in the market for a fembot bodyguard entourage. Hate to see the girls go begging.
Also: I always liked the way Pres. Bush senior pronounced the name: ka-daffy. Appropriate.