FN Shoe Star, Episode 6

Manolo says, the sixth episode of the FN Shoe Star is now available for your viewing pleasure. And the Manolo is happy to report that he was exactly correct about who would be the winner of the quick draw challenge, in which the designer was given ten minutes to produce the sketch of the shoe to go with the Rebecca Taylor design. The Manolo had last week predicted Shannon to be the winner, and this week, we see that Rebecca Taylor picked her as the best. Now, as you will see above, it is time to turn the sketch into…


Jerome C. Rousseau Camber Ostrich Slingbacks for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, convinced that the spring may finally be on the way. It has been the long painful slog through this winter, what with the string of blizzards and ice storms, ice storms and blizzards, one right after the next, wearing down your resolve, and forcing you to spend several hours each week perusing the online real estate ads for the greater Phoenix-Las Vegas-Death Valley area. “Oh, look, here’s a nice fixer upper in a place called Scotty’s Junction.” Whenever you do this you end up wasting many of the…