Alexander McQueen Samurai Strappy Sandals for the Monday
Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk agitated and annoyed by your coworkers, which, given the nature of the modern working place is not unusual.
On the one of the hands, the actual work itself would be made immediately better if most of your coworkers were magically transported back to the Jurassic Age.
On the other of the hands, you are something of the social animal. Who would you eat lunch with if not your friends Jenny and Jane? Who would bring you the gossip from the accounting department circus if not the Brenda? How would you make it through the day if Deadpan Mike did not make his hilarious quips?
And then you get out the piece of paper, draw the line down the center, and write two words at the top of the page, on the left, “Lifeboat”, and on the right, “Sharks”.
You write Jenny, Jane, Mike, Brenda, Nice Greg from IT, and six or seven more names of those who should be allowed to join you in the Dunder Mifflin corporate lifeboat.
On the right, the chum list immediately grows to unsustainable proportions, 30 names in the first instant, and growing. It is so bad that you are reduced to using the nicknames and silly descriptions because you do not even know the names of the doomed: Curly Surly Girl, Mr. Bigshot, The Dinky Dork….
And while you are engrossed in this most satisfying exercise, someone unexpectedly steps into your cubicle.
“Hey, whacha doing?”
You hurriedly flip the page over, and look over your shoulder. Oh, thank goodness. It is just the Deadpan Mike.
“Looks like a corporate restructuring,” he says.
“It was just a, er, um, um…”
“I couldn’t really see. Did I make it into the lifeboat?”
You turn the page back over and point to his name.
“Oh, good. Don’t forget to feed Frankly Fran to the sharks.”
Frankly Fran! This is why the Deadpan Mike has earned his place in the lifeboat, because he both extra observant and extra funny. Who else but Mike would have noticed that Frances the World’s Most Annoying Actuary had the verbal tick which involved starting most sentences with the word “frankly”.
And then you have the unorthodox idea that perhaps it is the aggravating people who make your job somewhat interesting, by providing fodder for amusement.
Look! Ridiculously tall shoes from the Alexander McQueen…
The Samurai Strappy Sandal from Alexander McQueen with the six inches heel and platform combination that is almost silly, and yet somehow compelling.
La Larson 14 years ago
Those shoes are gorgeous and completely unwearable, but I want them.
SarahN 14 years ago
I would totally wear those to Dunder Mifflin.
These posts always give me the much-needed Monday laugh. Thank you!