Chinese Big Shoe: Automotive Edition

Chinese Big Shoe Car

Manolo says, as the longtime internet friends of the Manolo know, the Chinese Love the Big Shoes! And now they love the big shoes with the wheels and the motors, that you can drive.

A footwear manufacturer in China has made an electric car out of a giant shoe. It can carry two people up to 250 miles at speeds of up to 20mph on a single charge of the battery underneath the driver’s seat. The leather ‘bodywork’ is made in the same way as a normal shoe but on a bigger scale, using the hide of five bulls.


Company president Wang Zhengtao says it is designed as a promotional tool and he plans to make 40 for stores around the country.

Ayyy! The entire fleet of the giant Chinese shoe cars, which will join the previous examples of the Chinese big shoes: Chinese Big Shoe 1, Chinese Big Shoe 2, Chinese Big Shoe 3, Chinese Big Shoe 4, Chinese Big Shoe 5, Chinese Big Shoe 6, Chinese Big Shoe 7.

P.S. Many thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend Magista for the link.