FN ShoeStar, The Winner!
Manolo says, and now we come to the twentieth episode when the final judging is completed and the winner is announced.
And it is…Rachel!
This is the not unexpected outcome, as not only is Rachel the very competent designer of the shoes, but also she has the very well-developed commercial sense, which the judges, who were drawn from the ranks of the shoe selling professionals, seemed to appreciate very much.
Still, the Manolo could be considered Team Keena, for she was the more original and interesting designer of the pair, and her final strappy sandal was one of the best shoes made all season long.
And now the Manolo wishes to sit back and watch the careers of all of these six contestants develop. He suspects that Rachel will be very successful, and he hopes that the same will be said of Keena.
MaryB 14 years ago
Have I been the only person watching with the Manolo? Good news for Rachel and good news, I supect, for Keena, who might have been less happy at the super-corporate Brown. What made me sad a little when watching was how clear the judges were about the choice of Rachel being more about her business savvy than about her shoes. Good luck to all, and may Michael Atmore work on saying “step it up” a little less frequently before the next Shoe Star.
Thanks to the Manolo for the links and always for the good company!