Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?


Bette Slingback Platforms from Gucci For the Tuesday

It is Tuesday, and you are back at your place of employment, being gainfully employed, and for that you are thankful. Thankful….ayyy! Look at the calendar! It is already the second week of November! There is so much to do in the next two weeks. First you will have to order your free-range, humanely-dispatched, heirloom turkey from the butchers shop, you know, the shop with the hipster butchers who have the tattoos and the ironic handlebar mustaches. Yes, these young butchers, who ride home each night on their fixed-gear bicycles, are generally well-intentioned, knowledgeable about the meats, and friendly, but…


Manolo the Columnist: Campus Shearling from Frye

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, This past weekend’s early snowstorm has made me realize that I need to get going on my winter wardrobe. Specifically, I need some new winter boots, preferably not black. I find that when I dress in dark colors, I’m more depressed. Please help. Megan Manolo says, yes, it is true, unless you are the tuxedo-wearing bandleader, the brooding French grandee, or the vampire, newly wakened from the grave, somber black is not always the most flattering color. Ayyyy! The Manolo has just had…


Alexander McQueen Pumps for the Tuesday

Manolo says, it is Tuesday and you are back at your desk, after what turned out to be the relatively sedated Halloween. Yes there were the usual parade of visitors, this year gravely disappointed that your man Gary, he of the elaborate annual Halloween displays, did not celebrate the occasion in his usual over-the-top style. It was in May, when you first noticed that something was amiss, that Gary had not closed off the garage and converted it into his laboratory, the sort of Halloween DARPA, where he has traditionally begun to test the fanciful ideas for his annual extravaganza.…


Manolo the Columnist: Nalanni from Ted Baker

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I am planning on showing solidarity with Occupy Wall Street this weekend and I am looking for a shoe that shows I am “of” the 99%, yet is stylish to be worn later in the evening to a casual cocktail party. What could you recommend? Briana Manolo says, ayyyy! This is the sort of question the Manolo dreads, in which the petitioner hopes to find the single pair of the shoes suitable for wearing to the two wildly different events. For the example,…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, it is the Angie Dickinson. Congratulations to our dear friend, the Mr. Henry, who was the first to correctly identify this week’s celebrity hottie of note. Here, for your amusement, is Angie Dickinson in the 1977, when she was 46 years of age, looking as if she has taken her Geritol…


Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?


Happy Sts. Crispin and Crispian Day!

Manolo says, today is the feast day of the dual patrons of this blog, the Saints Crispin and Crispian, the saintly shoemakers, and the Manolo’s own objects of personal devotion, as recounted in the Manolo’s brief work, the Consolation of the Shoes. And now, after the lighting of the devotional candles, it is time for our annual recitation of The Shoemakers, the greatest of the poems of John Greenleaf Whittier (himself, briefly the shoemaker). Ho! workers of the old time styled The Gentle Craft of Leather Young brothers of the ancient guild, Stand forth once more together! Call out again…


46 Is Not What It Used to Be…

Manolo says, and for that we should be thankful. Perhaps it is the power of the modern multivitamins, or has the makeup gotten so much better over the past 40 years? Maybe it is the old-lady hairdos, or are we taking better care of ourselves? Whatever it is, most of the 46-year-old ladies of the Manolo’s current acquaintance look much, much better than this.


Manolo the Columnist: Tennis Elastique from Bensimon

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post Dear Manolo, I would like to find some black sneakers that I can walk and do tai chi in, yet still convey a modicum of chic. Is it possible to be chic in sneakers? Katie Manolo says, the Manolo tried the tai chi once, and indeed and found it to be pleasantly revivifying, what with the sugar, and the milk, and the cardamom. Oh, wait. Perhaps that was the chai tea. Well, whatever. The healthful cup of tea and the brisk strolling along the boulevards…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, it is the Janet Leigh! This week, none of the Manolo’s internet friends was able to identify the famous celebrity personage of note.


Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?