What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Eagerly awaiting the publication of… Reading… Listening to… Watching… The Manolo has decided that his literary education has the Penelope Fitzgerald shaped hole, which he will now attempt to fill by reading several of her novels in the quick succession.



Manolo says, at the Manolo Jewelry, our friend La Petite Acadienne discusses the importance of the moonstone. In India, moonstone is regarded as a sacred stone. It is believed to bring good fortune. And really, couldn’t we all use more good fortune in 2011?


Matthäus Schwarz, Renaisance Sartorialist

Manolo says, thanks to the interesting article about the birth of European “fashion” at the History Today, the Manolo has been introduced to the chief accountant to the family Fugger, Matthäus Schwarz, who was apparently the sort of Renaissance Sartorialist. In July 1526 Matthäus Schwarz, a 29-year-old chief accountant for the mighty Fugger family of merchants from Augsburg, commissioned a naked image of himself as fashionably slim and precisely noted his waist measurements. He worried about gaining weight, which to him signalled ageing and diminished attractiveness. Over the course of his life, from his twenties to his old age, Schwarz…


Alan Rickman’s Voice Brings All the Girls to the Yard

Manolo says, firstly, how is it possible that the Manolo has never heard of this movie before? Secondly, this must be counted among the greatest of the Alan-Rickman-based cinematic moments ever. Thirdly, that voice, it is like the melted butter poured into the brandy snifter filled with warm lobster flesh, while Chuck Mangione plays the Mozart softly in the background.


Prada Red Leather Driving Loafers For the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, and already you have broken the first of your twenty dozen resolutions of the new year’s. Last week, as you were enjoying the mug of brandy egg nog and gobbling the final bit of your Great Aunt Jemminy Cricket’s (née Jeanette Crick) most delicious and rum-intensive fruitcake, when you decided to write out the list of resolutions for the New Year. By the time you were finished, following the third helping of the nog, your list had grown to nearly 200 items, and included such things as “write…


The Gifts of Mr. Henry

Manolo says, they keep on giving…. In this Western ski village where the skies are not cloudy all day (sometimes there is snow, too), Mr. Henry has been having fun teasing his adored consort each time the ski-bum waiter addresses her as “ma’am.” But today the little dude-boy addressed Mr. Henry as “sir” – not once, but three times. Cheek!


Happy Shoe Year!!!

Manolo shouts, Happy Shoe Year!!!!