Internet Famous!
Manolo says, apparently, the Manolo is famous in Romania!
Cel mai celebru blogger anonim al momentului este „Manolo the Shoe Blogger“. Nimeni nu ştie cum arată, de unde vine sau ce vârstă/culoare are dar se presupune că este latino-american. A mărturisit într-un interviu că a locuit în Argentina şi îşi încheie e-mail-urile cu „Besos“. Manolo, oricine ar fi el cu adevărat, a reuşit să-şi construiască un personaj hazliu de tip bufon care nu-i va plictisi prea curând pe miile de cititori strânşi din 2004 încoace. Marca sa înregistrată: folosirea articolului hotărât „the“ în faţa numelor de persoane şi vorbirea la persoana a treia singular. Este cu siguranţă unul dintre cei mai vânaţi bloggeri anonimi din lume.
The Manolo has only the most limited idea what is actually being said, still, it is nice to be recognized by kindly peoples in distant places, no?
And look! There were also the few paragraphs about the Manolo, last year, in the Forbes Romanian edition.
Ayyyyy! The Manolo says, to all of his Romanian internet friends, Salut!
Lavinia 13 years ago
Yes, Manolo is famous in Romania:) I am Romanian and I have discovered your blog today. I love it! Besos!
Gauss 13 years ago
I love your blog, and I am Romanian, so here’s my gift of the day: a translation! I’m afraid it’s not as exciting as you might hope, but it’s a nice little write-up:
“The most famous anonymous blogger of the moment is Manolo the Shoe Blogger. Nobody knows what he looks like, where he is from or how old (or what color) he is but some assume that he is Latino-American. He mentioned in an interview that he once lived in Argentina and he ends his e-mails with Besos. Manolo, whoever he really is, has succeeded in constructing a funny, buffoon-like character who will not bore the thousands of readers he has earned since 2004. His trademark: using “the” in front of proper nouns like names and writing in third person singular. He is certainly one of the most sought-out anonymous bloggers in the world.”
Congratulations! Once you’re famous in Romania, you’ve truly made it!!
Gauss 13 years ago
The internet ate my first comment (I think), but I love you so much Manolo that I’m going to type this translation again. I apologize for any clunkiness – I am Romanian, but I’m not a professional translator. Anyway, it’s a cute little write-up, although it’s not as exciting as one might hope:
The most famous anonymous blogger of the moment is “Manolo the Shoe Blogger.” Nobody knows what he looks like, where he comes from, or what age / color he is, but they assume that he is Latino-American. He confessed in an interview that he once lived in Argentina and he ends his e-mails with “Besos.” Manolo, whoever he really is, has managed to build a fun, buffoon-like character who will certainly not bore any time soon the thousands of readers he has earned since 2004. His trademark: using “the” in front of people’s names and writing in third person singular. He is certainly one of the most sought-after anonymous bloggers in the world.
Manolo the Shoeblogger 13 years ago
Many thanks to the Gauss for this translation! You are indeed most super fantastic!