Kim Kardashian Compares Self to Virgin Mary

Manolo the Church Lady says, well, isn’t that special.The Devil Wears McQueen

The reality star, 31, compared herself to the Virgin Mary in an episode of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” that aired Monday night.

While at dinner, Kardashian expressed her interest in artificial insemination to a group of friends, including her sister Kourtney’s long-time boyfriend, Scott Disick.

“I think if I’m 40 and I don’t have any kids and I’m not married, I would have a baby artificially inseminated,” she told Scott. “I would feel like Mary — like Jesus is my baby.”

Allow the Manolo to suggest the more appropriate Biblical lady…

From Revelation 17:4-5

Kim Kardashian, Circa 1415AD

Although, if one were to describe the Kardashian sisters as the phenomenon, then the most appropriate might be Ezekiel Chapter 23.