Welcome Back, Dear Friends!
Manolo says, this morning, the Manolo sent out the email to all of the subscribers to his Super Fantastic Newsletter, asking those internet friends who have been away to please come back and visit the blog again.
And now, the Manolo sees that many of these old friends have returned, to which the Manolo can only say, Thank You! You were missed and we are glad you are back. Join in the conversation, your comments are always the valuable part of what is done here.
But above all else: Welcome Back!
P.S. Look! Social media buttons! Please click some.
Main1ac 12 years ago
Thanks, it’s great to be back.
Manolo the Shoeblogger 12 years ago
Thank you for coming back!
Charlotte Allen 12 years ago
Manolo, I stopped visiting the blog so much because you hadn’t been posting so much. When you started the blog, it was a carousel of mouth-watering shoes–different ones every day–so I felt compelled to visit every day. Then, not so much, so I could skip entire weeks and not miss much. But I see that you have returned to your wonderful old ways–so welcome back yourself!
Manolo the Shoeblogger 12 years ago
Welcome back, dear lady.
Yes, it is true. The dynamic is exactly as you have described, the Manolo wasn’t posting enough, and his internet friends wandered away.
But, now he is back!
NDC 12 years ago
Dear Manolo,
It is, indeed, most cheering to see you returning to classic form and reengaging yourself, nobly and energetically, in the commentary for which your acolytes have admired you, lo these several years.
The NDC understands and sympathizes with the sojourn through the slough of despond and the gazing perplexedly upon the navel. It is from such introspection that new resolve takes root, and that is the case for our fabulous and fashionable flaneur, The Manolo.
Your fans look forward to you enlivening our summer and the days and months beyond.
All the best,
Manolo the Shoeblogger 12 years ago
Thank you for your kind words. It is so good to see you here. The Manolo sincerely wishes that all is well with you.
Jane2 12 years ago
It’s so great that the Manolo is back! A sojourn is good for the soul, and there are hopes that he is invigorated and ready to share the shoe-related wisdom of taste and distinction.
Manolo the Shoeblogger 12 years ago
Thank you for this sentiment, and thank you for being the reader of the Manolo. It is certainly happy-making to see you back.
Charlotte Allen 12 years ago
And I see that Deja Pseu is back–now for Fausta!
Manolo the Shoeblogger 12 years ago
The Fausta is here! She has commented twice or three times over the past week.
The Manolo is still looking for the return of La BellaDonna, one of the Manolo’s great and prolific commenters, whom he misses terribly.
Charlotte Allen 12 years ago
Yes, we must have BellaDonna back–one of my very favorites!