Manolo’s Late Night Bargain: Matrix from Bernardo

Manolo says, the Manolo has often recommended the Bernardo sandals, for the reason that they are simple, elegant, high quality summer sandals, that convey delightfully Mediterranean insouciance. So, imagine the Manolo’s joy when he learned that the Matrix from Bernardo was selling at more the 50% off of the regular price!


Guest Posting at the Shoe Blog of the Manolo

Manolo says, now that the Manolo has revived his formerly semi-moribund shoe blog, he would like to invite his internet friends to consider contributing the guest post or two. It does not matter if you are the fashion blogger, or the non-blogger, the Manolo would love to see what his internet friends have to say about such topics as shoes, runway trends, shoes, fashion history, shoes, celebrity misadventure, shoes, indeed almost any topic that is not overtly political, or overly controversial. All the Manolo asks is that the contribution be thoughtful and moderately entertaining to his readers. If you would…