Vincenza from Abel Muñoz
Manolo says, from the Manolo’s friend Abel Muñoz’s Fall-Winter 2012 collection comes this most super fantastic flat, the Vincenza! There is something sweet about this elegantly simple, tasteful flat, something that speaks to our desire to be both sophisticated and innocent, as if such the thing were even possible.
The formerly shoe-obsessed Wayne 12 years ago
The cool/cold-weather counterpart to the Bernardo thongs, except more for the bosslady at the discount stockbrokerage, or for the junior partner at the law firm.
The formerly shoe-obsessed Wayne 12 years ago
I also love the shoe because of the color, and it reminds me why I despise the lack of shoe colors available to men (black or brown only).
Miss Cavendish 12 years ago
Of course these smart shoes come on the heels of my post about disliking regular-sized tassels. But then again these tassels are hardly regular, more funnel than tassel . . .