Four Seymour Troy Shoes

Manolo says, At the Manolo’s Pinterest, he has been pinning many pictures of the historical shoes, and so now he wishes to share with you some of the things that have caught his fancy, in this case, the shoes of the Seymour Troy, one of the first famous America fashion shoe designers, famous starting in the 1920s and continuing on through the early 1960s. The first shoe, above, is this dramatic Seymour Troy button-strap suede pump, dated to the circa 1929. To the Manolo, this shoe looks totally wearable in the present day, and is probably more comfortable than you…


Happy Birthday to the David Hasselhoff

Manolo shouts, Happy Birthday to David Hasselhoff! On this day in 1952, the magnificent and talented David Hasselhoff was gifted to us by the Divine Artificer, commanded to move from his natural supercelestial home to this transitory sublunar world. Proof that the Almighty loves us and wishes us to be happy. Ayyyyyy! Look! The Manolo knows where he will be in August. How happy it makes the Manolo know that David Hasselhoff is still comfortable in his celebrity, for let us not forget, five years ago, the Manolo was named the Hasselhoff’s greatest internet fan, the Number 1 Hoffster! On…


Shoe Personalities: Mix No. 6 Ariel Sandal

N.B. Psychologists have proven what we already know, shoes tell us much about the wearer… The Mix N. 6 Ariel Sandal, $44.95 Manolo says, you love it that your mother named you after one of the Disney princesses, well not really a princess, but a mermaid who becomes a princess, which is way more cooler, because it’s a like a transformation, and transformations are good, right? Unless you become a werewolf, like Jacob, then that would be bad, because you’re totally Team Edward. Do you want to hear like the funniest thing, ever? Your best friend from grade school was…