Manolo the Columnist: Manda from Kate Spade NY

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, My fabulous cousin, whose birthday is the day after mine, and has been an anchor through many crises, turned 40 a couple of weeks ago. I’m sorry to say I had to miss her surprise party because I was away on a business trip. But, it is not too late for giving wonderful surprise birthday presents. Might you have a suggestion? Monica Manolo says, perhaps it is the gypsy in the Manolo, but the Manolo cannot help but love the giant, big families,…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, hey girls, it is the Ryan Gosling! Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend, ChaChaHeels, who was the first to correctly identify this week’s sulky little movie hunk.



Last week I invited you all to play the fun new game “Is It a Shoe?” wherein I displayed an object (below) that might or might not be intended for use on a human foot. I then invited readers to answer two questions. Is it a shoe? If not, what is it? and there are a few awards to hand out Superfantastic reader Marvel gets induction into The Order of the Shiny Apple for mentioning Joan Crawford, which I’d mentioned would garner extra points, while Fran, wins the coveted Nostradamus Tiara of Unfortunate Plausibility for suggesting: Lady Gaga and Damien…


Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?


Smoking Slippers, Yea or Nay?

I’m just not sure about this whole smoking slipper trend. (These are from Ralph Lauren. Sort of a “I stole the altar hangings from a church during Lent” look about them but in a nice way. Click image for link) I actually quite like smoking slippers as a species for private use. I even have a custom pair with my initials and Latin family motto and everything. Got ’em in London seven or eight years ago when I first girlishly dabbled in bespoke footwear. I’d pinched my pennies hard and the brutal exchange rate at the time –2:1 dollars to…


Manolo the Columnist: Flatiron from Stuart Weitzman

Manolo says, her this the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo I am only 44 but was recently diagnosed with arthritis in my knees and was told by my doctor NO high heels. Any time I cheat and wear even a low heel (2 inches) I end up in pain for three days, so I’m back to flats. This summer has been fine because I can get away with ballet flats, and I can wear riding boots with skirts in the winter, but when I need to look really professional for special meetings and…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, it is the Emma Stone! Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friends, the Carol and the Illhab, who tied to be the first to correctly identify this week’s celebrity personage of note.


Is It a Shoe?

Last week I introduced my loyal readers at Manolo for the Big Girl (which is about way more than big girl stuff, in case you’re interested but are worried about catching fat from the internet) to the fun new game, “Is It a Shoe?” The rules are easy. I provide an image of something that may or may not be footwear, and you answer two simple questions: Is it a shoe? If not, what is it? The winner will be picked the next week and lauded with palm branches or whatever else I find handy. Ready? Let’s play! Is it…


Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?


Are you Having a Garbo Moment?

I know I am. Let’s all find our key light and lift our tweezers high (but responsibly) to celebrate the natal day of Sweden’s own Greta Lovisa Gustafsson, aka the glamorous Greta Garbo. Tweezerman slanted tweezers, the Frye Lois Oxford, Waterproof French Anglobasque beret, made in France by Nielba, and luscious cashmere-lined leather gloves from Fratelli Orsini, on sale and available in 15 colors. Of course, if only the real thing will do, several of Garbo’s signature berets are up for auction. Air of mystery sold separately.


Manolo’s Monday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few things which may perhaps amuse… When Vesta Tilley is on the bill you had best book far in advance, or you may tip-toe disconsolately at the back of the ‘standing room’, and catch but a stray glimpse of the goddess through the bobbing leafage of ladies’ hats. . Elaine tries to avoid all contact with her old college roommate because “she’s trying to infect me with Baby Fever!” . Don’t get me wrong — the dude is perfectly presentable…if he’s dressing to go to the grocery store.


Prada Crisscross Platform Sandal for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk doing that thing that you do to make that money that you need to keep you from living beneath that bridge alongside the road. “When did it become so difficult,” you ask yourself, perhaps rhetorically, “to eke out the living?” And then you feel sorry for yourself, because all of your first-world problems are weighing you down: For the example, you need the new washer and dryer, because the old set is seven years old, and does not feature the latest next generation, electronic time-delay cycle technology, which…