Manolo’s Monday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few things which may perhaps amuse… When Vesta Tilley is on the bill you had best book far in advance, or you may tip-toe disconsolately at the back of the ‘standing room’, and catch but a stray glimpse of the goddess through the bobbing leafage of ladies’ hats. . Elaine tries to avoid all contact with her old college roommate because “she’s trying to infect me with Baby Fever!” . Don’t get me wrong — the dude is perfectly presentable…if he’s dressing to go to the grocery store.


Prada Crisscross Platform Sandal for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk doing that thing that you do to make that money that you need to keep you from living beneath that bridge alongside the road. “When did it become so difficult,” you ask yourself, perhaps rhetorically, “to eke out the living?” And then you feel sorry for yourself, because all of your first-world problems are weighing you down: For the example, you need the new washer and dryer, because the old set is seven years old, and does not feature the latest next generation, electronic time-delay cycle technology, which…