Manolo the Columnist: Moscow from Ecco
Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.
0Dear Manolo
Can you recommend a shoe that’s comfortable enough for my half-hour metro ride and fifteen minute walk to work, but still classy enough to wear in the office?
Manolo says, ayyy! It is the eternal working girl question: the shoes in which you will strut around the place of employment in your semi-offical role as the Office Fashion Plate are not comfortable enough for the commuting back and forth from your home on the public transportation.
It is ture, that for as long as the women have gone to the place of work outside the home, this problem has been with us.
Indeed, the Melanie Griffith’s hit movie Working Girl, which appeared more than 25 years ago, prominently featured scenes of our heroine commuting back and forth from the Staten Island in tennis shoes, with socks wore over her pantyhose.
But, the Manolo actually suspects that if one looked into the ancient fashion records one would find that the 1920s secretaries complained about not finding shoes that were suitable for both riding on the omnibus and taking stenography from that young Victrola salesman who looked like Rudy Valleé.
Happily, the Manolo can report that shoe technology seems to have advanced moderately from the days of the Thoroughly Modern Millie. Here is the Moscow, the attractive stacked heel pump from Ecco, the company that specializes in making comfortable shoes that do not look as if they were meant for Thoroughly Ancient Millie.
The formerly shoe-obsessed Wayne 12 years ago
You know, I think these are the most beautiful 9-to-5 black pumps I’ve ever seen?
Bronwyn 12 years ago
I remember my stepmother complaining of the careless young omnibus-riding ladies in stiletto heels, placing their entire weight on the heel that had been accidentally positioned over the top of stepmother’s foot. The weight to surface area ratio is extreme. Stepmother did used to wear these same four-inch stilettos while running for the bus, however. I could never understand how she did it.
Moi.) 12 years ago
Ah yes, it goes round and round – I had shoes like these in the 1980s…. ;) I loved them then, too!