Shoes Are Magic

Manolo says, the Manolo’s smarty-smart friend the Virginia Postrel has posted at her Deep Glamour blog the interview the Manolo did with her the few months back, talking about the transformative magic inherent in the shoes. Here is the excerpt to whet your appetite. Q: Why are people so interested in shoes? Because shoes have magic in them. Our fairy tales are filled with stories of fantasy shoes: glass slippers, hundred league boots, ruby slippers, shoes in which old women reside, boots for sword fighting cats, shoes made by elvish cobblers at night, red ballet shoes which cause the wearer…


Manolo’s Monday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few things which may perhaps amuse… When Vesta Tilley is on the bill you had best book far in advance, or you may tip-toe disconsolately at the back of the ‘standing room’, and catch but a stray glimpse of the goddess through the bobbing leafage of ladies’ hats. . Elaine tries to avoid all contact with her old college roommate because “she’s trying to infect me with Baby Fever!” . Don’t get me wrong — the dude is perfectly presentable…if he’s dressing to go to the grocery store.


Manolo’s Thursday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few things which will entertain… In addition to liking the sturdy construction of these shoes, Mr. Laurie said he was delighted that they do not set off metal detectors … . [N]obody seems to give two hoots about “proper” hair color any more. . Who could resist temptation like this?


Manolo’s Wednesday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few items which may perhaps occupy the idle moment… Let me take you back to a dark and mysterious time I’d like to call the fall of 1997. . The Duchess’s children thought (and continue to think) that Alfonso is just some gigolo/golddigger. . Unambiguously happy songs like Abba’s Waterloo sound, to today’s ears, “naive and slightly juvenile”, the researchers noted.


Manolo’s Monday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few things which may perhaps amuse… The sweet relief of not needing to take myself so seriously. . Gentlemen of Style . The first thing I learned in culinary school.


Manolo’s Wednesday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few items which may divert… I am almost certain no one has ever been eaten by a shark while wearing an evening gown. . The once-dignified portrait now resembles a crayon sketch of a very hairy monkey in an ill-fitting tunic, he says. . In fact, according to this very legitimate video, it was actually P’Trique who gave Tyra the idea to do a college-student themed cycle in the first place.



Manolo says, if you do not know the cockeyed Teutonic joy that is the DJ Flula, you are in for the real treat…


Manolo’s Monday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few things which may perhaps amuse… They are trying to save and recapture the true and original spirit of the Games… . As much as I want to like this editorial, I don’t. . “Like components of software,” she said, “fashion designers learned how to do this shoulder, put pleats on the skirt that way.”


Manolo’s Thursday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few things which may help you past the idle moment… They’re a bit Advanced Fashion so potentially not for the average user, although I honestly don’t think they’re as tough to pull off as most people think. There are some written medieval sources on possible female breast support, but they are rather vague on the topic. The manifestation of that may change from day to day, but the elements of joyful dressing for me are Movement, Color (not necessarily *vivid* color), Harmony, and just a bit of Edge.


Web Snob Friday

Manolo says, here are the few entertaining links from the Manolo’s Web Snob friends. Stiletto Jungle counts down 10 ways to save on summer essentials, from sunscreen to mani-pedis. Have you heard No Doubt’s new single “Settle Down” yet? Allie is Wired has it! BagSnob chooses the Top 5 Violet Vixens and from the classic to frugal to vegan, there’s something for every snob. BeautySnob compares the Chanel Glossimer and the Maybelline ColorSensational. Coquette’s new beauty fav is Clarins Shaping Facial Lift Serum which gives your face a sculpted contour after just four weeks of use. The Jet Set Girls…


Manolo’s Wednesday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps provide the moment of diversion… Pointer Pointer . The main closet, which can only be entered using a numerical keypad, is 12ft by 8ft and has eight racks, each full of shoes, going from the floor to the ceiling. . Inspiration for your quiet place somewhere.


Manolo’s Monday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may provide some entertainment… So is it weird that as fashion blogs grow, they’re beginning to resemble the traditional print magazines they’re supposedly supplanting? . Get yourself in the middle of the catwalk photographers. They’re big, they’re angry, and they’ll wait for nobody. When they move, you move. . At the time I was less struck by the cranky, casual bigotry of the statement (a great deal of Vonnegut’s advice sounds as if it was rasped between grandfatherly coughing fits) than by the thrilling starkness of the prohibition.