Manolo the Columnist: Adeena from B. Brian Atwood

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, After four long years, and countless thousands of dollars, I’ve almost managed to graduate from college. Now, with two weeks left until the big day, I don’t know what shoes I should wear. A lot of girls go for high heels, but I’m afraid of falling on my face. What do you recommend? Jacqueline Manolo says, ayyyyy! Many felicitous congratulations to all of the Manolo’s friends who are graduating this year from the various institutions (educational, religious, penal) in which they have been…


Naiya from Brian Atwood for the Wednesday

Manolo says, it is Wednesday morning and you were up and out the door early. Ayyy! Too early this morning, you put on your jogging clothing (retrieved from the back of the closet where they had been collecting mildew) strapped your running shoes (from Millets) onto your feets, and went out for the early morning jog. It was just you and the other crazy peoples who like to stumble around the neighborhood at six in the morning, breathing heavily, sweating profusely, and softly cursing humanity under your breaths. (It was only your moderate speed, those mildewed jogging clothes, and the…


Brian Atwood Multicolored Buckle Sandals for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday, and you are no where near your desk, as the Great Unexpected Storm of 2012 has cut all the power to the office park where InEmTechCoCom, Inc. is located. So, like the school child with the snow cancellation, you have one day of glorious freedom, which you are hoping will turn into two days, which means three, because the July Fourth is Wednesday. And so this morning, when you spontaneously awoke at 6AM, you thought you could roll over and go back to sleep, except you couldn’t because, as is often the case on the…


Ferruccia Suede Boots from the Brian Atwood for the Tuesday

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, only the second week of November, and already you feel as if you have been sucked into the annual holiday season whirlpool; swirling, swirling, swirling around the giant vortex of seasonal merriment and angst. Any second, you will be dragged down below the surface of normality by the combined forces of heirloom turkeys, two kinds of stuffing, homemade pies, Black Friday shopping, nativity pageants at the church, and the Santy Claus. You will struggle valiantly against it, but it is inevitable. Your holiday fate is sealed. One minute all will be normal, and the next,…


Manolo the Columnist: Paramour from B Brian Atwood

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, Thanks to the double dip recession, the earthquake, the hurricane, and my usually slack ways, I’m a little late getting my fall wardrobe ready this year. What’s the hot color for this season? I need something that will make me feel better about life in general. Please help. Bridget Manolo says, frankly, the Manolo is ready for the 2011 to be over today, so dismal has it been thus far. But then the 2012 is not looking so good at the moment, either,…


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Manolo says, may the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And may your St. Patrick’s Day be as fun and as happy-making as the these patent leather pumps from the Brian Atwood!


Brian Atwood Harris Platform Pumps for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk assiduously working your way through the giant stack of papers, when you notice that today is the last day of the February, 2011. 2011… 2011… Ayyyyy! You are living in the future! Remember way, way back before it was the year 2000, in the 1980s even, perhaps? Back when you were still living in the 20th Century, when you kept thinking to yourself, “yes, things here are not that wonderful, what with the parachute pants and the big hair and the Vanilla Ice, but just wait until the…


Brian Atwood Leopard Ankle Boots For the Thursday

Manolo says, frankly, the Manolo is suffering from the summer doldrums, and has need to spice it up the bit with something fun, something like these calf-hair, leopard print, ankle boots from the Brian Atwood. Is it perhaps too literal that the Manolo thinks of pairing these with something light khaki and safari-inspired? Hatari!


Brian Atwood Lana Patent Peep-Toe Pump For the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, although frankly, as is usually the case, you would prefer to be somewhere else, maybe on the beach with the piña colada, or the dark side of the moon with only your clone for company, anywhere away from the incessant petty demands of the commercial workplace. Everyone knows that summers are the worst time to have to go to the work. From childhood, you have been conditioned to take the three months from June to August off, spending those days in simple, wholesome pleasures: riding your bike to…


Brian Atwood Peep-Toe Pumps For the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, diong that thing that you do, although you are very distracted, having entered the home-stretch of the annual Festival of Blatant Consumerism. Not that the Manolo is complaining about the giving or the getting of gifts, mind you. Indeed, what could be better than getting the small, appropriately extravagant gift from someone with whom you share the relationship of mutual affection? Is this the trick question? Look! Here is the most beautiful, festive and golden, peep-toe pumps from the Brian Atwood.


Brian Atwood Suede Platform Pumps

Manolo says, remarkably, this magnificent suede shoe by Brian Atwood has the 5 inch heel. Anyone can put on the teeteringly high heels on the shoes, but only the true artist can make the shoes with the five inch heels that seem proportional, make them seem beautiful, and, dare the Manolo say it, make them seem practical.


The Leopard

Manolo says, the Manolo he cannot keep his eyes off of these beautiful and exotic Leopard print shoes from the Brian Atwood. They are magnificent!