Manolo the Columnist: Katherine 3 from Isaac Mizrahi New York

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I’m a brand new teacher of middle school students, so I need some comfortable, yet affordable and stylish shoes to wear to work. Please help. Lauren Manolo says, oh how the Manolo admires the young, idealistic new teachers filled with hope and the indomitable spirit. They are so eager to get into the classroom and start teaching, so convinced that the World will be theirs for asking. Unfortunately, the World has other plans for our new teacher, plans which mostly involve wrestling her…


Mizrahi Elegance

Manolo says, even though it is only Tuesday, it is never too early in the week to think about something super fantastic for the Friday night date with that sleek and cultured man in the Savile Row suit. What’s that he said? Dinner at Daniel and then to the Met for Idomeneo? You are ready!


White Isaac Mizrahi for the Post-Memorial Day

Manolo says, while the Manolo himself long ago shucked off the tyranny of the petty rules which “forbid” the wearing of the white shoes during seasons other than the summer, the Manolo is nonetheless sympathetic to those who still adhere to this outmoded rite. And so, in the spirit of comity between the warring sects, the Manolo offers to his dogmatic No-white-shoes-before-Memorial-Day friends this fun pair of the summery white Isaac Mizrahi sandals!


Sunday Afternoon Mizrahi Sale!

Manolo says, these attractive shoes from the Isaac Mizrahi, which come in the wide variety of the colors and the materials, they are on the sale! Nearly 60% off of the regular price, the savings of over $140 of the American dollars.


Holiday Shoes

Manolo says, ayyyyyyy! The holidays they are upon us! And so for the next few weeks the Manolo he will be helping you pick out the shoes suitable for wearing to the various festivities. For the example, this shoe from the Isaac Mizrahi, it is perfect for wearing to the holiday party. Even the better they are on the sale, nearly 40% off!


Low Heels for the Working Girl

Manolo says, many of the Manolo’s internet friends have been asking the Manolo, “Manolo, we are the working girls who need to stride forcefully through the halls of the workingplace so that our co-workers may be impressed by the aura of power and competence we exude. But, we need the low-heeled shoes of business because we are the peoples who find it difficult to stride forcefully in the high heels. Please help us!” Although it is the opinion of the Manolo that the forceful business striding would best be done in the highest of heels, so that you may tower…


Gold Flower

Manolo says, the heel on this shoe from the Isaac Mizrahi it is funky. And the flower and the gold color they are pretty. Who could ask for more than this?


Mizrahi for the Weekend

Manolo says, it is the Friday. Time to kick off the shoes of obligation and put on the shoes of fun! And the shoes of the Isaac Mizrahi, they are nothing if not fun.


Shoes For The Dancer’s Toes

Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s many internet friends has asked the Manolo the question. I’m looking for shoes to wear this summer/spring, and adore the light, flirty sandals that many designers have created. Here’s the bad news: I’m a dancer, and while my feet look fine (thank goodness) my toes are a mess! After all of these years of dancing, they’re crooked, scarred, and some of my toenails are rather ugly from all the damage they get… Are there any pretty, flirty, and above all, stylish shoes for this spring/summer that don’t show toes or show very little? I’m…


The Greek Goddess

Manolo says, the thumbs-up image of the Donaldus Minimus, it has put the Manolo in the mind of the Classical World, and this, of the course, it means that the Manolo he is thinking of the gilded sandals of the classical inspiration. Manolo says, these are, from the top, the sandals of the Donald Pliner, Isaac Mizrahi, and the Bruno Magli. And in any of them you would look like the Aphrodite emerging from the sea, or perhaps the Artemis on the hunt.


From the Archives of the Manolo: The Goat Ropers

Manolo says, if the boots of the cowboys they are too rustic for you, there is another, more uptown option that the Manolo he has recommended in the past. *****From the Archives of the Manolo***** Manolo says, the cowboy friends of the Manolo (yes, the Manolo he has the cowboy friends, from the Tejas. Does not everyone?) the cowboy friends they call these boots “The Goat Ropers”, because they are used by the cowboys to rope the goats. Ahh, says the Manolo, but are the cowboys from the Tejas who are roping the goats wearing the Isacc Mizrahi goat ropers?…