Sergio Rossi Platforms for the Day after the Memorial Day

Manolo says, it is the day after Memorial Day and you are back at your desk, complaining to yourself about the system that requires you to be invisibly chained to your means of production. Yes, you are fairly compensated for your mighty efforts on behalf of InEmTechCoCom, Inc, but still, humans were not meant to spend so much time engaged in concentrated labor. Hard work was meant to be seasonal, during the planting and the harvesting, when we worked long hours in the fields. The rest of the time we should be free to collect pretty rocks from the mill…


Manolo the Columnist: Gladiator Maine from DSquared2

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, At the end of June I’m going to Dubai for a business conference. For the meetings, I’m going to be in strict business attire, but afterwards, I plan on dressing up and hitting the malls and the restaurants. What I need is a pair of sandals that will look great for both shopping and dining out afterwards. Andrea Manolo says, what could be better than Dubai in the summer? Where the outside temperature at noon is 615 degrees, Celsius! Ah, but inside the…


Manolo the Columnist: Nealla from Pour la Victoire

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, After four years of hard work, I’m finally graduating next week with a degree in Renaissance Studies. Happily, I have already managed to find a lovely job that starts three weeks after graduation. (Yeah me!) Can you recommend a pair of shoes for the graduation ceremony, something fun? Marielle Manolo says, it is the time of the graduation, when the adult peoples don the ridiculous medieval gown and cap, and listen to the speeches about boldly seizing the future. “Today, as you go…


DSquared2 for the Day After the Tax Day

Manolo says, if you are like the Manolo, undoubtedly you will need to be cheered up on the day after the tax day. And so, what does the Manolo do when he is in the feeling not so special mood? He looks at the shoes! Here is the wacky, expensive, colorful pair of the platform shoes from the DSqaured2, which will help you forget your recent encounter with the long, pocket-picking arm of the federal government.



Manolo asks, $1975? Really? Sometimes, even the Manolo is astonished.


Dior Platform Sandals for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk working away for the Man, doing that which must be done so that you will not find yourself living in the culvert under the highway out by the dog pound. Although, sometimes, you think that, compared to the daily grind, the life of the hobo might be preferable. How much easy life would be if it was just you, your battered top hat, your handkerchief bindle, and maybe the scruffy, little Benjy dog for the companion. You would be the member of the Noble Brotherhood of the Open…


Diane von Furstenberg for the Spring

Manolo says, it is wet and gloomy today where the Manolo is, but that has not stopped him from thinking about the imminent arrival of the spring. Soon, soon, soon, the weather will break and we will be plunged into the most clement of all seasons, when the birds bloom and the flowers sing, when the young lady’s fancy turns to thoughts of shoes! Here are three shoes from the Diane von Furstenberg which will help you usher in the new season. If you are especially brave, maybe you will break out the shorts, in which case you will need…


Jean-Michel Cazabat Whitney for the Tuesday

Manolo says, it is Tuesday and you are back at your desk contemplating the topic of human folly, to be more specific the folly inherent in the do-it-yourself improvement of the home project. Back in the January, the repainting of your kitchen seemed like such the good idea, the project of the single weekend: strip the old wallpaper from the walls, paint everything in the moderately neutral color, and be done with it. Ah, such innocence. Such blissful, happy, youthful innocence. Now, here it is, nearly March, and the project is still not done. The walls are painted, but the…


Jerome Rousseau Glitter Platform Pumps for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, working to increase the gross national product of your home economy, and you have decided that it amazing how little things can substantially increase the quality of your life. For the example, the grand nabobs at your office have recently seen fit to replace the old BunnOmatic coffee pot with the new, fancy-lad, single-serving pod machine which brews the perfect cup every time. The old way was fine, as long as you poured your cup from the pot in the first three minutes after it was produced. Later…


Manolo the Columnist: Daisy Print Platforms from RED Valentino

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, We’re just three weeks into the new year and already I’ve got the doldrums. Maybe it’s the gloomy weather, maybe it’s the let down after the holidays, maybe it’s the fact that I’m stuck in a nowhere job, but whatever the reason, I need a pick me up. Please suggest something fun to get me out of this funk. Amanda Manolo says, it is the statistical fact that the third Tuesday in January is the saddest day of the calendar, the single day…


Bette Slingback Platforms from Gucci For the Tuesday

It is Tuesday, and you are back at your place of employment, being gainfully employed, and for that you are thankful. Thankful….ayyy! Look at the calendar! It is already the second week of November! There is so much to do in the next two weeks. First you will have to order your free-range, humanely-dispatched, heirloom turkey from the butchers shop, you know, the shop with the hipster butchers who have the tattoos and the ironic handlebar mustaches. Yes, these young butchers, who ride home each night on their fixed-gear bicycles, are generally well-intentioned, knowledgeable about the meats, and friendly, but…


Splash Peep-Toe Pumps from the Christian Louboutin for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, and already the Summer of 2011 is fading into the rearview mirror of your life, growing smaller with each passing second. Of the course, given what the Summer of 2011 was like, this is not necessarily the bad thing. Indeed, if you could, you would jam your foot down onto the accelerator of the life-mobile, spewing gravel and little chips of asphalt into the face of the Summer of 2011, as you sped away. But you cannot. The great tragedy is that life is not the car your…