Mr. Henry on the Tiger Mother

Manolo says, our friend, Mr. Henry jumps out of the frying pan… When the Tiger Mother starts chewing her cubs, the larger question is why doesn’t the father of the house step in to restore sanity? What sort of father today cedes all child-rearing authority to his wife?


Fat Foot Week

Manolo says, all week long, our friend, Miss Plumcake, is discussing the trevails of having the big lady-feets and the troubles of finding the shoes to fit them. Yet, like a baby in a tumble dryer, I can only ignore your cries for so long. You want wide width shoes, you’re gettin’ em. All week long.


French Toasting

Manolo says, our friend, Erik, has posted his special secret recipe for the french toast.


The Manolosphere Week in Review

Manolo says, here are the few of the best things from the previous week in the Manolosphere. From Manolo for the Men The Comb-Over . From Manolo for the Big Girl While yes, it’s always better to be overdressed than underdressed, being too hip for the room is a pit into which even the most seasons fashionista –and I’m including myself– can occasionally fall. . From Manolo for the Brides I love love love handpainted bridal shoes – especially custom jobs that fit in with the wedding theme or have some special significance to the bride and the person she’s…


Green Manolo

Manolo says, the Manolo reminds you that there is much good information and entertainment to be had at the Green Manolo.


Manolospheric Gift Guides

Manolo recites… In the interwebs did the Manolo Helpful gift guides decree Where the Manolosphere ran Through websites measureless to man Down to the shopping sea. Look! Holiday gift guides from… Green Manolo Crafty Manolo Manolo Jewelry Teeny Manolo Manolo for the Brides Manolo for the Home More to come soon, including the Manolo’s own Super Fantastic Holiday Gift Guide!


The Manolo Week in Review

Manolo says, here is the best of the week from the Manolosphere. From Manolo for the Home In addition to being an obsessive reader, I’m also an obsessive book hoarder. As in, I have hundreds of books I will probably never read again, but I can’t bring myself to give them away or sell them or recycle them. . From Manolo for the Big Girl There are few things I love more than a good potluck, because a good potluck is a blood sport in the South, and your covered-dish event can’t be considered a true success until someone cries,…


The New Blogs of the Manolo

Manolo says, the Manolo politely reminds you that this month, the Manolosphere has grown by four blogs, and that there is much entertainment and information to be had at these new sites… Manolo Jewelry Manolo for the Beauty Crafty Manolo Green Manolo


The Manolo Week in Review

Manolo says, here is the best of the week from the Manolosphere. From Ayyyy! It’s made of vintage Sari materials, primarily silk of course, but also including gold threads. And while on the one hand, lovely fabrics, nice idea, unfortunately, none of these strapless, bubble-skirted 80′s throwbacks have anything like the authentic allure of a real sari… . From Crafty Manolo I love the flowing lines typically seen, the texture with the slightly raised bits, the long history of the technique. If I were any good at embroidery, this would be the one I think I would do most. .…


Green Manolo

Manolo says, please allow the Manolo to introduce to you the newest addition to the Manolosphere, Green Manolo. Edited by our good friend Christa Terry (a.k.a Never teh Bride) of the Manolo for the Brides and the Manolo for the Home, the Green Manolo is the blog all about the super fantastic sustainable lifestyle! And now, you must go visit the Green Manolo


Manolo Jewelry

Manolo says, please allow the Manolo to present to you the latest addition to the Manolosphere: Manolo Jewelry! Edited by our good friend, and the long-time commenter at the blogs of the Manolo, La Petite Accadienne, who will be certain to provide you with much jewelry-based entertainment. Manolo Jewelry!


The Manolo Week in Review

Manolo says, here is the best of the week from the Manolosphere. From Manolo for the Men Does this constitute news? Guys looking for a roll in the hay valuing wiggle more than wink? . From Manolo for the Brides No matter where you turn, someone is making fun of something that somewhere, a bride-to-be is probably thinking of doing. And since we’re all doing everything on the Internet, there’s a pretty good chance that said bride-to-be will encounter someone putting her ideas down. . From Manolo for the Big Girl Not that I haven’t had my share of serious…