Manolo says, AYYYYYYYY! let the contest begin!!!!
Until midnight Eastern Time, on the 10th of the October, 2005, the Manolo he will be accepting entries into the Super Fantastic Essay Contest of the Manolo.
Write the short essay about the shoes (not to exceed 300 words in the length) and send it to the Manolo at [email protected]. (For the complete rules click here.)
The essay it can be funny, or melancholy, or wry, or ridiculous, or absurdist, or anything you the writer of the essay think the Manolo and his judges would like. The winners they will be picked on the basis of originality, style, and overall super fantasticness.
Grand Super Fantastic First Prize:
(Total retail value over $1,000 of the American dollars!)
The $200 gift certificate from
The $250 gift certificate from Zappos
The $100 gift certificate from
The gift certificate for one pair of the super fantastic shoes from the incomparable diva, the Beverly Feldman.
The gift certificate for one pair of the super fantastic shoes from the Magnolia Shoes
The original signed cartoon art from the hilarious Donna Barstow.
One pair of the Boot Legs to help your fancy new boots retain their shape.
To store your new shoes, ten clear shoe boxes courtesy of the stylish and witty, Shoelover.
Books, books, and more of the books about the fashion and the style and the shoes, including: The Substance of Style, The Essence of Style, Heart and Sole, The Perfect Fit, She’s Got Issues, and Pretty City New York
Grand Super Fantastic Second Prize
(Total retail value over $600 of the American dollars!)
The $250 gift certificate from Zappos
The $100 gift certificate from
The $50 gift certificate from
The gift certificate for one pair of the super fantastic shoes from the Magnolia Shoes
Ten clear shoe boxes
One pair of the Boot Legs
Books! Many Books!
Grand Super Fantastic Third Prize
(Total retail value pretty good!)
The $250 gift certificate from Zappos
The $50 gift certificate from
The $25 gift certificate from
Ten 10 clear shoe boxes
More Prizes
Additionally, the Manolo he will be randomly awarding the small prizes during the course of the contest, books, shoe boxes, socks, and much more. There will even be the special secret prize for the many fans of the Manolo who love the knitting and the crocheting (or would like to learn the knitting or crocheting) from the Manolo’s internet friends at the Lion Brand Yarn!
The Judges of The Super Fantastic Essay Contest of the Manolo
The Manolo he has brought together two of the shoe-loving celebrity judges to help him pick the winners from among what is sure to be the many thousand of the entries: Jane Eldershaw, shoe lover and author of the very witty book, Heart and Sole : The Shoes of My Life, and the Meghan Cleary, shoe lover, television personality, and author of the most amusing, The Perfect Fit: What Your Shoes Say About You.
And now Manolo shouts, Let the contesting begin!
Click here for complete contest rules.
Click here for the list of winners