Low Heels for the Working Girl

Manolo says, many of the Manolo’s internet friends have been asking the Manolo, “Manolo, we are the working girls who need to stride forcefully through the halls of the workingplace so that our co-workers may be impressed by the aura of power and competence we exude. But, we need the low-heeled shoes of business because we are the peoples who find it difficult to stride forcefully in the high heels. Please help us!”

Although it is the opinion of the Manolo that the forceful business striding would best be done in the highest of heels, so that you may tower Godzilla-like over your pitiable coworkers, who will quail before your awsome majesty, he is nonetheless sympathetic to the plights of the super fantastic girls who believe that they cannot wear the high heels.

And so, the Manolo he has selected three pairs of the super fantastic low-heeled shoes that would be suitable for the wearing in the place of the employment or on the street.

Coach Tia    Manolo Likes!  Click!
This pair of simple black flats from the Coach, they can go with virtually any outfit, and best of the all, they are on the sale at the Gotham City Online, selling for under $100 of the American dollars. These they would go well with the power suit of the pants.

Bruno Magli Marli    Manolo Likes!  Click!
This shoe from the Bruno Magli, it is the simple black business pump, one that would help the super fantastic girl look tailored, and it is 50% off of the regular price, so it will not break the bank, and thus throw your plans for office domination into disarray.

Isaac Mizrahi Versus    Manolo Likes!  Click!
Finally, these pair of the low heeled pumps from the Isaac Mizrahi, they are perfectly suitable for the office striding, and in the green they would look good with the tones of the earth.