Manolo’s Magazines

Manolo says, the Manolo he is the inveterate reader of the magazines. Indeed he subscribes to several different magazines, and he has, in the past, given the magazine subscriptions to his friends as the much appreciated holiday gifts. Here are four of the magazines that the Manolo himself subscribes to, and so would be most suitable for the gift giving. The New Yorker The Manolo could not live without his weekly New Yorker Yes, it is frequently smug and irritatingly full of the self-regard, but it is still the best magazine in the world, and is the exellent gift for…


All Hail the Tim Gunn!

Manolo says, after the reading of this article, the Manolo he is officially worshiping at the altar of the Tim Gunn. Gunn is happy that the show has pulled back the curtain to expose style’s nitty-gritty side. “Everyone thinks fashion is glamorous, you sit at the end of the runway and you accept a bouquet of roses at the end of a show,” he says. “Fashion designers need to think on their feet, problem solve at the drop of a hat, be able to use whatever resources they have available to them to make whatever it is work. They have…


Buying the Holiday Tie for the Man

Manolo says, one of traditional gifts for the man, one which is frequently and justifably open to the mocking, is the cravat. This it is because too often the purchase of the gift tie it has devolved into the opportunity to buy for your loved one the novelty tie made of the cheap material. Trust the Manolo most sane men do not wish to wear the cheap novelty tie. Most sane men wish to wear the tie that compliments the complexion and emphasizes their superior sense of the style. Yes, when you were twelve years of the age, your father…


Yo Adrien!

Manolo says, at the least we now know who will star in the Rocky VII: Beat to the Pulp.


Holiday Shoes VII

Manolo says, ooooooh, sparkly.


Blogging the Project Runway

Manolo says, the Laura K. (one of the runners up in the Manolo’s Super Fantastic Essay Contest) she has the entire blog devoted to the Project Runway!


Project Runway 2

Manolo says, the Manolo he is indeed most happy that the Project Runway it has returned for the second season. Mainly because it means many more weekly visits from the super fantastic Tim Gunn. Last night the Bravo they showed the two hours worth of the Project Runway, starting off by sending the chubby boy and the poor Alabama girl home almost immediately for the crime of producing the luster lacking dresses. Then it was the challenge for the designers to be to transmorgify the mostly appalling clothes on their backs into the fashion outfits. And here the true personalities…


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, the latest column of the Manolo it is now available for the downloading at the Express of the Washington Post website. Today, the topic it was the boots for the winter. Dear Manolo, Please help me find some new boots that will keep me warm during those long, cold, slushy walks to the Metro station. Diana Manolo says, Ayyyyyy! The winter it is here! And you cannot ignore it as you do the other problems in your life, by imagining yourself to be elsewhere. Trust the Manolo, it is impossible to pretend you are in the Montego Bay…


The Moleskine

Manolo says, the Manolo he is devoted to his Moleskine, and does not leave the home without one in his pocket. However, his devotion to his method of note taking, it is nothing compared to that of the person who runs the blog entitled Molskinerie!


The Perfect Holiday Gift for Everyone

Manolo says, who would not be thrilled to find this under the tree?


The Giveaway of the Knickers

Manolo says, the Manolo’s intenet friends at the Knickers Blog they are having the big giveaway of the fancy underwear! You have only the week left before the drawing. Hurry to enter!


The Loverly Lulu Guiness

Manolo says, the Manolo he has always been amused by the Lulu Guiness and her witty way with the purses. This one with the feathers and the fan shape, it is dressy but not stodgy, rather it is whimsical, and yet would be most suitable for toting to the fancy party, preferably with the well-dressed man on the other arm.