Manolo the Columnist
Manolo says, the Manolo’s most recent column for the Express of the Washington Post it is now available for the downloading. Today, the Manolo he talks about the shoes for the Dia de San Valentino.
Dear Manolo,Can you recommend a pair of beautiful sexy red shoes for Valentines Day, something to get my man’s heart racing.
Manolo says, if you want to get the man’s heart to racing you should perhaps purchase for the man the pair of the red running shoes!
Ha! The Manolo he jokes!
Yes, the Manolo he knows that the Dia de San Valentino it is the day during which many of the Manolo’s readers will undoubtedly attempt to crank the perceived sexiness up to the eleven, perhaps by involving the tight lingerie, and the liberal application of the Elizabeth Taylor’s White Diamonds.
But, the Manolo he would tell his friends not to worry, as the men they are the simple creatures with the simple, animal desires. And so, his readers they should remember that subtlety of the feetwear it is not something that would normally be overly appreciated by the men, and if it is, perhaps it is time to worry, girlfriend.
And so, the Manolo he would recommend the red, high-heeled strappy sandal, with the little bit of the bling, so that the man he is dazzled by the shiny object.
The Faviola from the Two Lips it meets these requirements, and even the better, it is unusual enough in the shape and style so as to perhaps engage the shoe connoisseur in you.
VeddyVeddyBadAng 19 years ago
I have bought a pair of Two Lips in the past, and let me tell you, I hope that you will only wear these shoes while in the … ahem … reclining position. The 4″ heels that I purchased were much pain-making! Although incredibly cute.
Annalucia 19 years ago
It is the Dia de San Valentin, Manolo dear, with the acute accent over the I of Valentin. Was the Manolo perhaps confusing the name with that of the silent-screen star, who caused the hearts of so many young ladies to race during the era of the Calvin Coolidge?
The Annalucia cannot speak to the tastes of the young man of the Derinda, but her own experience tells her that the normal man is not a great observer of the shoes. Certainly the Tedesco is not. He might notice the Annalucia’s footwear if she were wearing mukluks with the black silk dinner dress, or the Keds in the two feet of snow, but not otherwise.
No, what the Tedesco likes is…seeing the Annalucia in a green dress which she bought at least eighteen years ago, from the Land’s End. It was very plain even when new, being a knit cotton skirt with the matching polo-shirt top, and now is quite worn. But the Tedesco likes it so greatly that…well, we must draw the curtain of modesty rather than describe what happens when the Annalucia wears the dress.
In short, the Derinda should not fall for the cliched advertisements and assume that the spike heels and the tight clothing are what the young man wishes to see. Perhaps he will be turned on by the blue jeans and the white cotton shirt. Or the peasant blouse with the large sweeping skirt. The Derinda will no doubt find this out once she knows the young man better. And to know him better should be her first task in any event.
JayKay 19 years ago
“…and the liberal application of the Elizabeth Taylor’s White Diamonds.”
I am cracking up over here! White Diamonds! Hilarious!
“And so, his readers they should remember that subtlety of the feetwear it is not something that would normally be overly appreciated by the men, and if it is, perhaps it is time to worry, girlfriend.”
Oh man, so funny! Thanks for the Friday laughs!
Susanna 19 years ago
I, too, am cackling over the Liz Taylor White Diamonds…
Perhaps one could layer the stink with a liberal application of Elizabeth Taylor’s Passion and Black Pearls, too?
Dora Long 19 years ago
Does he notice the subtlety of the feetwear? Perhaps not.. Does he notice it makes the ass look good? Yes. My beloved may not notice that the toe and the texture of the beautiful shoes of the Ralph Lauren look perfect with the pretty pencil skirt and the super fantastic cashmere sweater, or if the color is even close to right for the ensemble- but he will always notice what the heels they do for my assets..
But, the Annalucia, she is correct. Each man, he is different. For which I am eternally grateful..
White Diamonds indeed, the Manolo makes me laugh with much hysteria.
Mme. laVie 19 years ago
The Mme. laVie, she chuckles softly also at “the little bit of the bling, so that the man he is dazzled by the shiny object”
Oh, how we love and appreciate the simple, yet ardent, nature of the maleness.
desertwind 19 years ago
Love Pumps, indeed!
pip 19 years ago
Ah yes-
“Don’t you go stompin’ your little last season’s Prada shoes at me, honey.”
DMCollins 19 years ago
Guys notice the high heels. Otherwise you wouldn’t see them on the feet of just about every porno mag model on the planet.
shiloh 19 years ago
Sorry the DMCollins, I’m with the Annalucia on this one.
The male it is not such a simple and easily understood species as mistakenly believed.
The high-heels of the tartiness and the supposed Pavlovian effect on the male is a construct of the often creatively-challenged porn industry.
Shiloh finds that the most unlikely things get the Samuel going from clean hair, house painting, vacuuming, the bathing of the dogs and cats, the mowing of the lawn, the time with the kids, and the ratty night dress from the days of the first dates. Also the baking of the cookies brings on much excitement almost without fail.
Yes, the getting-to-knowing, it can give rise to many memorables that will bring joy for years to come.
The pretty shoes may make the female feel more confident and sexy but beware the ill made heel that brings on the pain in the backness.
Enjoy the day of loveness, and may all days be filled with the barely perceptible melody of violins and the scent of chocolate chip and cocount cookies.
DMCollins 19 years ago
Okay, whatevah. I guess those guys in my life who said, “I like it when you take off everything but the high heels and the stockings,” were just a figment of my imagination.