I agree with JayKay. I like the guy. We have more than enough of everything to go around, so one more “regular guy makes good” is not a problem. No, he’s not a pretty boy. Yeah, he’s rough around the edges. So are a lot of us. And for some of us, clomping around like Vin looks better than camping around like Hasselhof.
Hah! La BellaDonna, she has the big weakness for the Vin Diesel, because he looks so much like the jiu jitsu boys she used to play with. La BellaDonna, she likes to watch him and pretend she has not broken too many parts to play any more.
Oh come on – this is such an *old photo*. He had a job (a good one too!) and fixed his teeth right around the time he made that Disney movie. Just Google him for images and you’ll see for yourself – he looks 500% better now.
Huh. Well a chacun son gout, but the Vin Diesel has always seemed to me like the loud, vulgar, talentless braggart, and a perfect icon for the current era of the thug supremacy. Also, I am sorry Phyllis, but if you’ll click on the photo, you’ll see it’s from the Berlinale, which is only just over, i.e. the photo is brand new.
All I said was the guy looks different now, and if you look at other photos from that event and from his new movie it’s pretty obvious. Who knows where that video image came from – it wasn’t an actual phtograph of him – that footage could be years old. I merely pointed out that in the recent past he had a good nose job and fixed his teeth. As for his acting skill – I have no opinion on that truthfully – although my kids did like his Disney movie.
Look at the video image. Behind him, *in the video image*, is the banner of the Berlinale. It’s a video feed from the red carpet at the Festival — he stars in a film (“Find Me Guilty”) that premiered there in competition — being projected on a Diamond Vision screen or something of the sort, with the young ladies in the foreground. It’s a terrible angle, and poorly lit, so it’s a bit unfairly unflattering, but it is a very recent photo.
AskMom remembers when she too had the pash for the men with the rough edges, the interesting little ways of channelling their inner truck driver. Alas, reality intrudes. Those wishing to be known as members of civilization intuit the limits of chic unwashedness, and Vin is not in compliance. If you were allowed only a picture of your significant other as a job reference, a snapshot inferring your education, work habits and social skills, would Vin win the employment for you?
Everybody has to be such a critic. Vin Diesel who may have come from nowhere has worked hard to get to where he is, give him his due. Does every actor have to look like George Cloony, and come with a family pedigree? I happen to like Vin and I loved him in the “Chronicles of Riddick.” I loved the character Riddick so much I named my newest cat, who loves to wrestle all the time, Riddick. Vin Diesel characters can your worst nightmares, but he shows his tender side, too. I think he just gets better all the time!
kim 19 years ago
OMG, you are so right. I’ve been trying to put my finger on it for years now.
JayKay 19 years ago
He can’t act for sh*t, but for some reason, I still dig him. *shrug*
deja pseu 19 years ago
BWAHAHAHAHA! The Manolo, he has put the finger squarely on the button once again!
Ryno 19 years ago
I agree with JayKay. I like the guy. We have more than enough of everything to go around, so one more “regular guy makes good” is not a problem. No, he’s not a pretty boy. Yeah, he’s rough around the edges. So are a lot of us. And for some of us, clomping around like Vin looks better than camping around like Hasselhof.
La BellaDonna 19 years ago
Hah! La BellaDonna, she has the big weakness for the Vin Diesel, because he looks so much like the jiu jitsu boys she used to play with. La BellaDonna, she likes to watch him and pretend she has not broken too many parts to play any more.
Phyllis 19 years ago
Oh come on – this is such an *old photo*. He had a job (a good one too!) and fixed his teeth right around the time he made that Disney movie. Just Google him for images and you’ll see for yourself – he looks 500% better now.
Phyllis 19 years ago
I meant to say “nose job” :D
Norma Desmond 19 years ago
Huh. Well a chacun son gout, but the Vin Diesel has always seemed to me like the loud, vulgar, talentless braggart, and a perfect icon for the current era of the thug supremacy. Also, I am sorry Phyllis, but if you’ll click on the photo, you’ll see it’s from the Berlinale, which is only just over, i.e. the photo is brand new.
Phyllis 19 years ago
All I said was the guy looks different now, and if you look at other photos from that event and from his new movie it’s pretty obvious. Who knows where that video image came from – it wasn’t an actual phtograph of him – that footage could be years old. I merely pointed out that in the recent past he had a good nose job and fixed his teeth. As for his acting skill – I have no opinion on that truthfully – although my kids did like his Disney movie.
Norma Desmond 19 years ago
Look at the video image. Behind him, *in the video image*, is the banner of the Berlinale. It’s a video feed from the red carpet at the Festival — he stars in a film (“Find Me Guilty”) that premiered there in competition — being projected on a Diamond Vision screen or something of the sort, with the young ladies in the foreground. It’s a terrible angle, and poorly lit, so it’s a bit unfairly unflattering, but it is a very recent photo.
AskMom 19 years ago
AskMom remembers when she too had the pash for the men with the rough edges, the interesting little ways of channelling their inner truck driver. Alas, reality intrudes. Those wishing to be known as members of civilization intuit the limits of chic unwashedness, and Vin is not in compliance. If you were allowed only a picture of your significant other as a job reference, a snapshot inferring your education, work habits and social skills, would Vin win the employment for you?
Case closed.
dillene 19 years ago
To this day, Vin’s best performance was in “The Iron Giant.” Looking at his picture, you can see why.
Paula Wright 19 years ago
Everybody has to be such a critic. Vin Diesel who may have come from nowhere has worked hard to get to where he is, give him his due. Does every actor have to look like George Cloony, and come with a family pedigree? I happen to like Vin and I loved him in the “Chronicles of Riddick.” I loved the character Riddick so much I named my newest cat, who loves to wrestle all the time, Riddick. Vin Diesel characters can your worst nightmares, but he shows his tender side, too. I think he just gets better all the time!
Aninha 19 years ago
Queridos amigos sei la……devem ser americanos…..eu como uma legitima brasileira que sou….maravilhosa!!!como toda mulher brasileira venho aqui neste site declarar nosso amor…..qdo digo nosso ( de inúmeras brasileiras que adoram um corpo sarado) e o que é este cara…………comia ele todinho.
Ele é o máximo, ele podia entra em um filme sem a brir a boca , já seria o maximo, ele podia ficar sentado o tempo inteiro..já seria o maximo.
Alias ele é o maximo o unico ser que supera este homem…é DEUS!!!!!
depois de DEUS vem VIN DIESEL………..VIn … te amo……e todos aqueles que meterem o pau em vc…….go to helllllllllllllllllll…………bjs ,nós aqui meninas maravilhosas do Brasil te amamos….venha nos visitar, alias nao vai prestar…vamos acabar com vc….no bom sentido claro.
Maravilhoso!Poderoso! Gostoso e tudo mais osoooooo que vc é….TE AMO !