Scenes from the Dystopian Future

Manolo says, Honey, I’m off to the ice cream social! Don’t forget to trim around the sidewalk before you go, Pixie-Goth Lawn Boy.


What the Manolo is…

Manolo says, it is the Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Reading… Listenting to… The Manolo he wanted to like the Stage Beauty much more than he ultimately did. The period detail it was amusing and properly bawdy, and yet there was something essentially and emotionally incorrect in the relationship between the Kynaston and the Maria, and do not get the Manolo started on the acting of the Clare Danes in this movie. Happily, the Manolo very much enjoyed the Rupert Everett’s delightful Charles II and the Nell Gwynn she was wonderful. In the fact, there…