The Debutaunt Update

Manolo says, in the November, the Manolo posted the news that his internet friend the Debutaunt had been afflicted with the grave illness. Here is the update from the sister of Debbie. Dear Manolo, Just wanted to let you know an update on my sister at www.debutaunt.com. She is going to be getting her blood stem cell transplant on Monday. Right now, the Debu is already admitted to the hospital to get the preparatory treatment—radiation and chemo. The blood stem cell transplant is not an easy process to go through but it gives the best hope to thousands of people,…


Project Runway 2, The Reunion Show

Manolo says, so boring, so very, very boring. Indeed, throughout the episode the Manolo kept devising the ways to make the episode more interesting, ways that usually invloved handcuffing the randomly selected designer to the Santino, giving them both the long knives and seeing who emerged the “winner”. Zulema and Santino…Fight! Sadly, such hijinx they were not on the menu. In the stead, we the loyal viewers were treated to the blandest of outtakes, and the most self-justifying of blather. Yes, there were the bizarre, uncomfortable moments, such as the goofy Lupe’s drunken ramble, and the Daniel Franco’s creepy crazy-eyed…



Manolo says, many years ago, when the Manolo was the poor boy, he constructed something similar, but vastly more super fantastic, out of the strips of the old leather and the industrial debris he had found at the abandoned furniture factory. Of the course, the main difference was that the Manolo’s shoe fit properly.