Liveblogging the Awards of the Academy
Manolo says, beginning on Sunday afternoon the Manolo will be live-blogging the Awards of Academy at the Mondo Hollywood/Pajamas Media website.
He will be joined in this by the redoubtable Roger L. Simon, himself the former Academy Award nominee, the loquacious Jeff Goldstein, the patriotically pink Gay Patriots East and West, and by the surprise special guest or three.
Be certain to tune in to the Pajamas Media site on the Sunday evening, as the Manolo and his internet friends will attempt to bring the measure of levity to the usual Oscar night broadcast of star-studded, self-congratulatory piffle.
sfmike 19 years ago
Dear Manolo: Why is the god like yourself hanging out with such very questionable company? Roger L. Simon? Pajamas Media? Yuck! You’re too good for them, dude.
Rob D. 19 years ago
I assume your comment has something to do with the politics of those live-blogging. I really don’t understand. I thought growth came with the exchange of dialogue and ideas. We learn something from eachother when we talk. Even if our politics don’t agree, don’t you think you might learn *something* from listening to the ‘other side’? It’s not like listening to what the conservatives have to say will somehow shatter your progressive way of thinking, right? (I’m assuming you’re a progressive. Forgive me if I’m wrong.) If your thoughts on politics are solid, then you have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, grow up and bury the hatchet.
Phyllis 19 years ago
I’m looking forward to it myself. This is just the Oscars for cryin’ out load and not a State of Union address.